Saris Lizard Species in Space Opera | World Anvil
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Saris Lizard

Saris Lizards are a group of reptiles native to Donora. There are many different species and genera under the Saris Lizard umbrella.


Saris Lizards have wide flat bodies, four legs with handlike feet, and a prehensile tail for gripping and climbing. They have big bulging eyes and narrow mouths with long tongues for catching their prey.   There are often variations in size and shape between the species with some being long and spindly and some benign short and platelike. Patterning and color of their skin also vary and some have spikes or bumps that deter predators however they tend to a color similar to their most common habitat so they can blend in easier to their surroundings.



They eat mainly bugs and sometimes small reptiles and mammals if they are big enough, however, few species are. Some species live near water and catch small minnows and water insects but most live in trees and focus on bugs and flying insects. They are one of the predators of the Kaiosis Fire Bug.


Saris Lizards use their leaf-like bodies and strong limbs and tails to mimic and blend in with the leaves of trees so they can catch bugs when they get too close, they also have long tongues to catch their food.   Saris Lizards are solitary and can be quite territorial, fighting other lizards who venture into their territory, only crossing paths with others for reproductive purposes.   They hatch from eggs that are laid in small underground burrows. The females lay their eggs and then leave them to hatch and fend for themselves, the species does not have much parental instincts. Their eggs are sex determined by the temperature of the environment the eggs are left in with higher temps producing more males and lower temps producing more females.   They are most active during the day or in the evenings.


They are used as a food source by Donorians as they are common prey animals for bigger animals on the planet. They may be raised for their meat or eggs by Donorians and are used in many Donorian dishes. They may be kept as pets and can be quite docile if taken care of properly.
Planet of Origin


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