Iagus Grain Species in Space Opera | World Anvil
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Iagus Grain

Iagus grain is a type of domesticated grain-producing grass originating from Epra. It was soon found to have a great growing factor and soon became a galaxy-wide staple.


The Iagus grain, like most other cereal crops, grows as tall grass with bunches of seeds that grow from the top of the grass stems. They have long leaves which are very thin and have a sharp edges, so people need to wear proper clothing or else they could get little cuts on their arms and legs.   Iagus grain grows its seeds from the top of the stem, in bunches. The seeds are attached to the plant until autumn, when the plant dies and dries out leaving the seeds to fall to the ground to plant the next generation which grows during the next growing season.   The root system is fairly simple with no corms or tubers to store a lot of nutrients at once, which makes sense considering the plant is an annual plant so it only lasts one growing season and doesn’t need to save energy to grow back the next growing season. In times of drought, the plant will prioritize the root system over the stems.


There are many different strains of the plant that have adapted or been genetically engineered to grow in different environments such as the kind that is grown on Ocarro where it has adapted to the dry environment.   Once the plant had reached full maturity in early autumn, farmers will reap, thresh, and winnow the grain. In ancient times this was all done by hand but as technology became more developed and prominent machinery became the tool of choice when it came to sowing, caring for, and harvesting the crop. Epra is one of the biggest producers of Iagus grain, and it is a big part of their history, culture, and economy.   The grain is used in lots of culinary cultures as a staple ingredient. The grain can easily be processed into flour, which is used to make many types of foods and bread and may also be used as a thickener.
Planet of Origin 


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