Cromian Berry Bush Species in Space Opera | World Anvil
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Cromian Berry Bush

The Cromian Berry Bush is a plant native to the planet Cromia, which gets its name from the berries that the plant produces.


Cromian Berry Bushes are bush that grows to be on average, three feet tall, taller if it has something to attach themselves to like a trellis. The plant's stems are green and strong with round leaves. Both the stems and the leaves are covered in short hair-like structures that are coated in a substance that when on the skin produces and stinging itching sensation.   The bush develops small white flowers in mid-spring with pointed petals; the flowers are racemoids meaning that they grow in bunches. In late spring the flowers eventually turn and merge into small orange berries which contain seeds that the plant uses to reproduce the next generation of bushes. The berries are fully developed by mid-summer and are harvested around this time.   The plant is a perennial plant whose stems partly die back each year and then come back during the next growing season. The planet takes two years to fully mature, with the stems growing to full high in the first year and the next being focused on the plant flowering and producing berries, this cycle tends to repeat every two years with the pattern above being followed.


The Berries of the Cromian Berry Bush are used frequently in Cromian food and are often turned into jam or other preservatives which can be stored and used later; most of these dishes are not widely served on planets other than Cromia. The most famous dish, or rather drink, that the berries are used in is Cromian Sparkling Wine, which is famous on other planets in the galactic coalition for its taste and rareness.   The planet may also be used for other things with the stems being dried and used in traditional or historic textiles as well as arts and crafts. The plant's leaves may also be used in traditional medicine for their stinging capabilities, however, this practice has mostly fallen out of fashion with newer more effective medicines and treatments being used.
Planet of Origin


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