Revisionist Tactics Spell in Soulbank | World Anvil

Revisionist Tactics

Revisionist tactics are a largely forbidden art in Soulbank. Administration prefers not to have whole servers loading from earlier states and tends to seek out Revisionists as dangerous elements. This fear attracts many would-be rebels into using such tactics to change Soulbank toward their vision and subvert the Administration's otherwise unquestioned power.


To the resulting timeline, Revisionist tactics appear very much like time travel. Alternate futures can plant items in earlier states of the server and reset it to the altered state. This thankfully avoids the more disturbing implications of causing temporal paradoxes, but leaving unresolved loops tends to produce heat as the Administration has anomalies flagged.

Side/Secondary Effects

Most notably for Soulbank at large, revisionist tactics tend to cause the server they're used on to desync from the rest, isolating it. This additionally causes a time skip effect: Those in the affected server see time jumping forward in other servers, while others see the residents emerge from a sort of stasis.


Revisionism operates using some of the most protected commands in Soulbank, typically requiring some manner of backdoor to Administrative authority. The artifacts that allow these commands are jealously guarded by Revisionists and often marked for a Kill Function when discovered by the Administration.


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