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The ogres are a very hardy and magicless people than live in Fuler'dae. Although they cannot use magic, they still posses gaya, which boosts their physical abilities to absurd amounts. Ogres are very easy to distinguish from other races on account of the prominent horn on their forehead, they also have facial markings that can be confused with gaya marks, but are actually dependent on the ogres specific family and heritage. If one were to look closer they would notice the long, almost claw-like fingernails and colored fingertips.   Ogres reside mostly in the three cities of Nesteia, Iliym, and Sovrel. There are other smaller settlements across the interior of Fuler'dae, but because of the wildlife and weather most people prefer to stay in the cities. The city of Iliym was built around one of the Aie'dae, and partly branches up the great tunnel towards Talan'dae. The gateway is guarded very carefully by Paetos Guard.  

The Three Cities

The three cities of the ogres are told as fantastical tales in Talan'dae. Incredible wall carvings and murals depict clashes during the War of Angels, and of other historical events in ogre history. Although there are many other smaller settlements, the ogre cities are meant as bastions of defense against the harsh Fuler'dae. With the majority of the ogre population residing the the cities (approximately ninety to ninety-five percent), the cities are massive, the smallest boasting a population of nearly three million.  


The smallest of the cities, Nesteia, lies on the Hesteia Sea coast. Because hurricane like storms often arise from the sea, the city is built with a massive fortress built upon a nearby hill. The fortress, named after the family Steia, is nearly a half square mile large, and is built into the earth, allowing for close to a hundred thousand people to flee to, should the storm force that many out of their homes. There are many measures taken so that it does not come to this. The city is tiered, with the highest tier being the fortress. Each tier is fifteen feet below the tier above, with a total of twenty-four tiers. The section between tiers is also also walled off, in order to delay rising waters as long as possible. Rather than creating some sort of caste system in which the poor live in the lowest tiers, the people who do dwell closest to the ocean are often regarded as the most brave, seeing as they have the highest likely-hood of losing their homes and even being killed. Individuals who wish to live in the two lowest tiers are restricted, as the ruling council of Nesteia desires only the most physically fit to live there, in case they need to run to higher ground or swim if they are swept away by the waters.   The buildings of Nesteia do not resemble standard ogre architecture. Rather than buildings that reach to the sky and have beautiful paintings or engravings on the outer walls, the buildings are rather squat looking, with low angled rooves and beauty in the interior. As much as it pains the ogres not to display their art and abilities, they found that the design of tall buildings cost more lives, and the art was often ruined by the harsh weather.   The Nesteia have a profound love of the sea and sky, and much of their art is dedicated to the display of the wind and waves. Sailing is thought by the Nesteia to be one of the most beautiful occupations one can have, and races are a common form of entertainment.  


Ilyim is by far the largest of the three cities, with a population of just over eleven million. It is built upon one of the Aie'dae, and is the closest of the cities to daedryn territory. Ilyim is the only place that ogres keep an active military, known as the Paetos Guard. Ilyim is the capital of the ogre nation, as well as the chief city of trade with the daedryn. It is by far the most impressive with buildings reaching heights over two hundred meters (approximately six hundred and fifty feet), that are covered top to bottom in stone carvings and murals. Just as impressive as the upward building is the expansion into the Aie'dae that the city is built upon. The city descends about four-fifths of a kilometer (half a mile) into the structure. The underground buildings generally are dedicated to sciences, housing, and military.   The ogre government, as loose as it is, presides in the Hall of Ilyim, the tallest building of the ogres. It rises to the height of two hundred and fifty meters (about eight hundred and twenty feet), and dominates the city. Rather than gargoyles decorating the top, there are statues of various Eorame. The center of the roof is the temple dedicated to Soloros, the Ark'angellis that created the ogres.   In addition to the great walls that protect the Ilya from the elements, Ilyim also boasts the greatest collection of artwork and historical items of the ogre cities. With close to forty museums documenting the evolution of style and skills over the centuries. Because of the history available to the public, and the information about certain techniques as well, Ilyim has become the ogre center of craftsmanship. Many schools and professions have their most notable establishments there.  


Being the middle ground between a city bustling with workshops and artistries, and a city constantly battling the wind and waves Sovrel is a much more quiet city. The exception to this being the total of four weeks in which Fuler'dae experiences spring and fall. During these two weeks, the celebration of Amag'dae is held in the Great Arena, which is filled with ogres attempting to distinguish themselves through games. The games themselves are brutal, likely fatal for non-ogres. Those who do manage to win games are given scholarships to various trade schools.   Although the population swells during Amag'dae, the usual population of Sovrel is somewhere around six million. The city itself is rather calm, and lends itself to being the home of ogres who seek a more peaceable life. It is here that many ogres settle down once they have grown old and no longer wish to practice their craft. In fact, the majority of ogres dwelling in Sovrel are over the age of one hundred and twenty-five.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Ogres prize the old. They are the pinnacle of what ogres aspire to be. Because ogres do not age in appearance once they reach their mid-thirties, the elderly are either known by reputation, or by the sheer number of sulpa they wear. They are held in the highest of regard for their accomplishments. Below them are those who have proven themselves to by their creations or their physical presence.    Ogres over all are a very respectful race, and although there is social hierarchy, the ogre people do their best not to look down on others, especially those who are trying their best. There are no castes or second class-citizens among ogre society, only those who try, and those who do not. Ogres who do not put effort in are seen as lazy and as a burden on society and are often thrown out of cities, only to be admitted in if they prove themselves worthy of the respect of their fellow ogre.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Although they are not hunted anymore, ogres were once prized in Atalana on account of their horns. They were hunted down mercilessly and either killed or enslaved, forced to fight in arenas. Since that time, ogres have stayed in Fuler'dae and very rarely gone to the upperworld. Those who have do so at their own risk, as ogres will not associate with one who has gone to the upperworld.

Facial characteristics

While ogres look very human, they do have some features that are very obvious. The most noticeable of these is the large horn or horns on an ogres forehead. All ogres have at least one horn, and can have as many as three. Measuring anywhere from just over a dozen centimeters to nearly a meter long, the horn is the sheath of the ogres magical power. Although the size of the horn is not necessarily indicative of the particular ogres power, it is a good way to judge how much raw power they may have. When ogres were known in the Talan'dae, the horns were highly sought after, not only because of their beauty, but also because they could be used to create powerful magic items.

Average Intelligence

Ogres are neither particularly smart, nor particularly stupid. They are simply of average intelligence, with the usual outliers of course..

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Although ogres cannot wield magic, they still possess large amounts of gaya. Because this gaya is constantly in their bodies, it changes their very nature. Ogre perception is above that of any other species, save some clans of the Daedryn. They are able to read text on a page nearly a hundred meters away, can hear noises that are below the human threshold of hear (though fortunately on account of their physical durability due to gaya running through their veins, their eardrums don't burst every time they hear a semi-loud noise, though it can be very irritating for them). Their senses of taste and smell are comparable to that of a human, but their sense of touch is a bit higher. While they cannot necessarily pick out the individual blades of grass that are touching them, they can, especially on their hands, pick out the differences of many different contact points.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Because of their natural physical abilities, and the rough environment in which they live, ogres prize physical perfection above most other things. Having an athletic body capable of performing feats is highly desired. There is some disagreement as to whether a more lithe body or a more powerful body is preferred, but having muscle is one of the most desirable physical attributes.   Smooth, untainted skin is desired. The natural markings that ogres are born with are considered a gift from the gods, but scars or tattoos are seen as incredibly ugly, and disfiguring. Generally they will do all they can to heal scars are cover them, as it is shameful to have markings that didn't come from the gods.

Common Etiquette Rules

Because ogres wish to create things that last, and wish their bodies to be as perfect as they can be, praising one another is very common. It is seen as proper to compliment anothers body or workmanship if it merits it. It is also common to challenge another in competitions, whether they be physical or creative in some way. Generally this is seen as a compliment, as the other person deems you worthy of their time and skill.

Common Dress Code

By other cultures standards, ogre clothing is very revealing. Revealing clothes allows them to show off their physicality and thus is a show of art and not inappropriate. Aside from areas that are generally considered inappropriate by other cultures, ogres also cover their wrists and ankles.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The ogres are a very proud people, and enjoy displaying their accomplishments. Whenever one has accomplished something noteworthy, whether it be a prescribed mile-mark in some learning or trade, or simply a spontaneous feat or creation, they are gifted a gold ring. The ring is carefully crafted, and made specifically for each person. The ring is used to contain the long strands of hair that start just above their ears. The more rings one has the more sway they have in everyday life. On the occasion that an ogre would gain too many rings, they will put them on locks of hair directly behind their ears. These rings are called sulpa.   To prove themselves worthy artists or craftsmen and capable survivors, ogres are thrown into the wild when they turn sixteen. They must find their way through the wilderness to a small encampment that provides them with the basic tools necessary to create some piece of art of their own. Once a month has passed they are brought back to the cities, those who

Common Taboos

Tattoos are very much frowned upon by the ogre people. Although they love art and physical beauty, putting the two together is deemed blasphemous. Ones body should be beautiful as it is, and one should not alter the image of their skin through artificial means. Their bodies were gifted them by the Eorame and are thus holy, any markings they have at the time of birth, or that develop naturally are also considered sacred. But to purposefully mark ones own body is seen as an insult to the gods.
by TylosAginai

The Ogre Code

Ogres see one another, and any other of the sentient species for that matter, as sacred. War for them is a very serious and sad thing, and do all in their power to avoid a conflict that will result in death. Because of this they have lost much territory in Fuler'dae to the Daedryn who are more aggressive than they. They avoid death even if it means dishonor.   This does not mean; however, that they will not harm someone physically. If an ogres' pride has been hurt, they will most likely challenge their offender, but if it is more of a serious offense they will simply attack them. Usually this is no more than a slap to the face or fist to the stomach, but with their unrivaled strength it sends a clear message that they are not to be trifled with.
About 150 to 175 years.
Average Height
Anywhere around 1.75m to 2.5m , though the average is slightly above 2m. (5'8" to 8'2"),
Average Weight
Despite their strength and height, ogres aren't very dense. Their average weight is anywhere between 70kg and 100kg (154-220lbs).
Average Physique
Ogres are very proud of the physical abilities gifted to them by the Ark'angellis, and honor them by driving their bodies to the limit. Ogres tend to be lean and lithe, resembling a large cat in that powerfully natural physique.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
To an untrained eye, ogres appear to all have gaya markings on their faces. These markings, however, come from their family lines. Unlike gaya markings they are not affected by the particular gaya that one possesses. Their markings can be anything from simple stripes to complex whorls and shapes.   In addition, they fingertips of ogres are tinted with the same color that is present on their faces. The tint is also present at the tip of an ogres horns.

Ogre Literature

The ogres pride themselves in doing and not saying. As a result, there is no great emphasis on reading for young ogres. Skills and knowledge are handed down person to person, and reading is seen as a way of trying to skip steps. Ogre language is also less developed than most of the other races'.

The Paetos Champions

During the the celebration of Amag'dae in Sovrel, many ogres compete to be known as the Paetos Champions. Though hundreds, if not thousands of ogres compete in these brutal fights, only nine are recognized. These nine are regarded as the best fighters in the land, and are honored in all three cities. The rankings are first through third, in first through third (so one could place second place out of the first place champions, or third place of the second places). A champion would be referred to as Champion the sixth, or ninth, or whatever position they placed. For example, Nyx Steia, one of the champions, would be known as Nyx, Champion the ninth.   Even among the nine champions, there tends to be a huge difference in ability between the first, second, and third classes.

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