Amon Asenath Character in Solem | World Anvil

Amon Asenath

Amon Asenath


Amon was born in the city of Ankhamaat in Adacia (3879), the son of sharecroppers Samaan and Yamina Asenath, who primarily harvested wheat and barley. His mother developed a heart condition and Amon would often be her window to the outside world when she could hardly leave the home. He developed a strong sense of justice and fairness, and a desire to combat corruption. When his family fell on hard times, he sold himself to become a Ka-Magister in order to keep them from losing their land.   While with the Magisters, he became suspicious of his mentor and shadowed him, fearing corruption. Instead, his mentor turned out to be an Arbiter and offered Amon a place amongst them. Later, while investigating his fellow Ka-Magisters for their clandestine acquisition of a magical item from an unknown stranger, they were ambushed and Amon's mentor killed, Amon left unconscious and covered in blood, framed for the crime. He was arrested thereafter and the magical items in question allowed his fellow Magisters to lie under the influence of truth magicks. Discovering thus that the judge who oversaw the trial was corrupt as well, he was found guilty and sentenced to death by disintegration. While awaiting his trial, he was visited by a vision of the god, Sekhmet, who offered him his life. He agreed and was executed, but then returned to life by Sekhmet and made her creature of vengeance (3904).   Sekhmet manipulated Amon's need for vengeance and drove him to hunt down and kill those corrupt Magisters that had betrayed him, who were revealed to him as Set cultists. As he did so, the Pharaoh and High Council labeled him a monster and terrorist and a bounty was put on the head of "The Man on Fire", twisted by Sekhmet's anger. He stalked the corrupt Magisters, driving them across the deserts of northern Adacia into Seraphiim lands (3906). He followed them there and infiltrated the home where his former captain and the judge resided, and found evidence that many of his former comrades had been blackmailed into betraying their oaths. This made him question his vengeful drive, but Sekhmet drove him to attack even so. His former superior managed to capture him in a banishment circle but Sekhmet detonated him before he could be cut off from her.   Seeing a single feather as his soul started to fade away, he grabbed at it and awoke in the Seraphiim port city of Maharan, cared for by an Arbiter stationed there in the city. They had beseeched Ma'at to resurrect him for his false trial. His body was whole and had been marked with a glowing cartouche. He learned of how the Arbiters believe Sekhmet to have had a falling out with Ma'at and he wondered at his actions of the past several years. Unsure of what else to do, he remained there to investigate any remaining Set or Apep cult activity. He sold himself as a mercenary to Black's Company as a cover. The Raja Blunder While with the Black's Company, Amon was elected corporal and served under Sergeant Amon Rathgul in Gabriel Cobb's platoon. He was generally favored as a good soldier, though his choice of companions was odd. He took in two "apprentices" that he began to train in the arts of warfare and pass on his skills to: Sunreet Maskar and Michael Shaw.   During his training one day, Kingsmen came for Maskar, claiming he'd dodged conscription by joining Black's Company. Amon interceded and transformed into a lion (unintentionally) and slaughtered the two Kingsmen before hiding their bodies. Maskar opened up and promised not to run away without telling Amon first afterwards.   He struggled against the continued influence of Sekhmet and eventually wrested himself free of her, though she promised vengeance. He began to develop powers through Ma'at's enigmatic blessing.   He took part in the raid on the forest outpost of the Red Letter Rebels and succeeded in recovering some intelligence from it. Later, he was commended by Bodvar Bodvarsson for his role in it. Then, while on leave, he investigated the ruins near Raja and found signs of Apep worship. Meditating on it afterwards, he was attacked by hirelings working to capture him and each of his companions.   When Lurch and Sofia were captured by the Inquisitors he bluffed his way inside with Lupe to retrieve them successfully. Afterwards, they made their way back to the ruins to seal whatever was releasing shadows out into the Raja environs. They made their way down into the depths of the ruins where they found a portal to the Underworld. Using his newfound powers from Ma'at, he was able to seal the portal and then escape the ruins before they collapsed. When Sammael revealed himself afterwards and told them the truth about Seraphus, Amon agreed to work for him alongside his companions. Maskar and Shaw stayed with him.
3879, Ankhamaat


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