The Storm Maiden Myth in Soldiers of the Sword Coast | World Anvil

The Storm Maiden

Raised on the island of Norland, a young human woman was found as a baby by fishermen, abandoned upon the shores of that island and later given the name Hergatha. She was raised by a childless couple, and by the age of 16 she was an unparalleled swordswoman and tactical leader. From an early age she showed the marks of being touched by the gods, and upon reaching maturity she claimed to possess the reincarnated spirit of Viledel, an ancient Northlander warrior and leader who bore the title “the Sea King.” While her story is not true, she believes it to be so, and she has performed feats so wonderful that no one dares deny her claims.
  A large following of Northlander communities swore allegiance to her, showing the willingness to follow her as the Northlanders reclaimed their ancient heritage as the masters of the seas and coast-lines. She led Northlanders against both the petty kings of the northern islands, as well as the holdings of King Derid. After winning countless battles, the Storm Maiden’s ship was lost at sea. She always claimed to be blessed by the gods and incapable of being drowned. None know what happened, but many hope (or fear) for her return.
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