Reporting for Duty - Southbound Recon in Soldiers of the Sword Coast | World Anvil

Reporting for Duty - Southbound Recon

Operation Parameters

Date 1492 DR, 5 Eleasis
  • Arden
  • Aujirgix
  • Erik
  • Klarion
  • Roxanne
Casualties None

Operation Details

  From Erik:   Mission: Scout and recon stable water camp water supply   WARNING -30 min South of camp- Psychic Attack, Attacker officially unknown, parties members suspect possible high level vampire.   After sustaining substantial damages party escaped to natural hollow, rested, and continued on mission   2 hrs. South of camp Watering spring located. Hazard Warning: when not flooded the ringed area around spring has aggressive Quicksand. Upon departure water levels had risen to cover it but beware in dry spell / low water.   Water source leads to cave, multi chamber. webbing raised concern of possible spider activity but no evidence.   Low level vampire encountered in secondary "camping" chamber. -eliminated vampire   Some form of fire enchanted centipede resided in cave. Expert burrowing and digging. Bites have high poison level. Resistant to fire damage. Melee combat results in fire damage to attackers. Seemed most susceptible to lightening? Short of spellcasters, recommend archers included for further exploration.   Beyond the camping chamber, we explored water access tunnel. Discovered an unknown biological object. Sharing similar biological nature to the centipede.   Beyond biological object was a final chamber, approximately 30x20 feet or larger. Clearly in use as no dust, webbing or rubble when compared to remainder of cave.   Unable to investigate further due to rising waters.   Retreated back to base.     From Aujirgix:   We left camp heading south towards a spring that had been found is a previous scouting expedition. In transit, we encountered the aura of the vampire that's been roaming around the forest nearby. The psychic barrage proved too much for two of the party and thus we had to flee further into the forest to hide and recover.   Once we were sure the vampire was not after us and the injured had recovered, we continued on, eventually making it to the hot springs. There was a moat of hazardous mud around the spring that swallowed anyone that attempted to cross it, but a felled tree proved a useful enough bridge to access the spring proper.   After a bit of investigation, it became clear that the spring was hiding a structure behind it. Upon traveling through the opening, a staircase was found that led down to a small subterranean complex. Investigation of the complex revealed the campsite of another, lesser, vampire. The vampire spouted off about it's duty to ensure the corruption takes hold and we were forced to do battle.   The battle was rather one sided for a while due to the vampire underestimating its supposed prey, but things changed rapidly when some sort of fire centipede burst out of the far wall and started attacking anything that got close. After a difficult fight, both were slain.   We were able to recover some pieces of the centipede as well as the head of the vampire which were both presented to command along with a sketch of a red, web like, structure found in the next room. When the structure was touched by one of the party, it began to fail and the complex started to flood.   After a swift evacuation of the complex, we decided to return to base for a debrief and presentation of our findings.     From Klarion:   Morning started with a mediocre breakfast at the crack of the crack of dawn. Met with Ranger Rem and he gave us a choice; explore a damp, dark cave, or a nice recently discovered spring. Naturally we choose the latter, idiots with luck we are.   After swinging by Orion's store, our group left. Consisted of myself, the halfling Roxie Proudfoot, Erik the aasimar, a dwarf named Arden, and one of the vets, Aegis Aegil Aeri the dragonborn monk with the chipped horn.   Half an hour outside the fort, Erik got us slightly detoured. We ended up tiptoeing the edge of what is apparently the local vampire lord's haunt, and they knocked out me and Roxie with its scream. The others fixed us up, and we quickly left. A couple hours later after some exploring, we found the spring.   When we found the spring, we noticed it was surrounded in quicksand-like mud thanks to Roxie's brave investigation of it. After going to the pool's source, we noticed it would occasionally get very hot. So naturally, we decided to jump in.   We discovered a cavern inside. Arden found what was some type of religious alter, forget the god so read his report. We went further into the cave and were attacked by a vampire. He proved not to difficult thanks to the dragonborn and Roxie, but before we could kill him something worse arrived.   A giant centipede hot as fire attacked us, knocking out Arden and Roxie before we managed to put it down. Damned thing was immune to fire, and whenever anyone attacked it up close they'd get hit by steam hot enough to harm them.   Looked around the camp, didn't find anything other than some bedrolls. We explored deeper, and ended up finding a big blob of stuff similar to the centipede. Erik went further and found a larger area, before the rest flooded.   Went back to base after and I ate lunch.