Mirrors of Eight Expedition in Soldiers of the Sword Coast | World Anvil

Mirrors of Eight Expedition

Operation Parameters

Date   1492 DR, 7 Eleasis - 19 Eleasis
  • Faye
  • Falyer
  • Tavvok
  • Kevin
  • Belial
Casualties / MIA Kevin

Operation Details

Day 1

We reached a building on top of a mountain, We found a object buried in the snow and when touched it launched Kevin, Faye, and I into the air. Due to Kevin's quick thinking, we were able to land safely due to slow fall. We followed the directions given to us and headed down the mountain. On the way down, however, we came across these creatures with red eyes that watched us from this underpass that was too dark for us to see. The party was able to go around and avoid the creatures that were watching us. After some time we came across a bridge with goblins next to it. After trying to reason with them, we had to fight them and after a very close battle we came out alive but hurt. We managed to get to Candle Keep and after some back and forth we managed to earn passes for everyone in the party. after that...…. we don't talk about that night however we ate food and slept in a comfortable inn. We also looked around Candle Keep, and acquired some more knowledge and fears. We were given 1 day to collect the mirrors and when/if we got back we were gonna get kicked out. The locations of the mirrors were underneath Candle Keep.  

Day 2

The next morning we woke up early ate breakfast and made our way down after some distractions from our guide. Eventually we made it down and after some trouble crossing gaps in the ground we came across something very strange. We were warned that magic down here was strange and that it didn't work normally as it did above the surface. We came across this man who was crossing this wooden bridge and when he reached half way he would be burned by this wall of flame that was chasing after him. The strange part is that he kept this scene up over and over again as if it was on repeat. After some Investigations and quick decision making Falyer decided to kill the man before being consumed by the fire after the man fell the scene stopped and the flame wall came no more.   We moved forward and made our way deeper into the cave and we eventually found a ladder that went far underground and having no other place to go we decided to go down and we were met with a room with 3 different paths. Down here it was hell from dealing with undead and phantoms that came out of coffins and out of nowhere to the biggest threat we came across. But before that, we were warned about a dragon that lived down here and were told to NOT piss it off and the moment we came down that ladder there it was. A spectral dragon he asked us questions and wanted to make sure were meant to be down there and that we were not gonna steal anything. So there we were in a room with 3 options, Tavvok insisted on going forward and so we did and then we had to fight a hallway full of undead but managed to grasp a victory thanks to Faye's quick thinking of using fire wall.   This is where the task started to look down however. In the hallway we found many doors some locked but 3 were not. Behind the first we found a man in a hut trying to stay safe and wanted no help from us. Behind doors 2 and 3 however, was these big cat looking creatures that were sleeping and Kevin wanted to pet it and try to talk to it. The doors closed and locked itself behind him and we had no means to easily get to him and we completely lost hope until Belial ripped the door out of place and gave us entry to the room. Tavvok was the first inside the room to try and help Kevin and according to Tavvok it was not looking good but he managed to get Kevin out of the room but then Belial was teleported to a place unknown and was kept company by a small rat. When trying to get away however Tavvok got pulled back in the room by the creature and was injured really bad. Kevin wanted to save Tavvok because he didn't want Tavvok to die from his own mistake so he rushed in not caring about his own life. This is when Kevin tried to reason with the cat once more and cut off his hand as a offering to it in hopes to satisfy the creature. This for some reason peaked the interested in the dragon and it poofed into the room and launched the creature across the room and offered to help us if Kevin were to stay behind and help the dragon. Kevin agreed to the dragons terms and was given the time to complete the mission and then be parted with us. We decided to rest for a bit and regain our strengths to continue looking for the mirrors.   After dealing with more phantoms and hiding from a suspicious child and mother we came across this magical barrier and a door next it with green lights passing through the bottom of the door with sounds of people chanting on the other side. A group decision was made and the plan was simple talk to the people and if they were not friendly nuke them with fireballs. This is were everything went south. We sent Faye as our voice of reason into the room with Kevin and Belial at the door waiting to see what happens. Faye unfortunately was charmed and forced to stay in the room with the man and locked himself and her into the room before we had a chance to do anything. Tavvok had an idea to use the horn he was given to help force our way through and force our way through we did. Tavvok summoned forth warriors of great strengths to help and he had them use their strength to break down the stone walls that kept us from the room and they charged in to fight the man that charmed Faye. That's when we saw it, A blood line that connected Faye to the man and it took a lot of effort to grab Faye and move her out of the room and by some luck the blood line disappeared and Faye still breathing but looking extremely injured. The man vanished and the magic barriers were down.   We made it into the final room in which we were greeted with a table and chairs surrounding it. Following the instructions we were given, Tavvok got transported alone into the room of worship and had his own trial to pass in which he succeeded and suddenly he was brought back and with him all 3 of the mirrors.   The dragon appeared one last time and was there to claim his reward, Kevin. Sticking to the agreement we only took the mirrors and nothing else and with the help of the dragon we were teleported out of there to a place close to Caer Callidyrr sadly without Kevin.   Tavvok, Faye, and Belial all looked extremely weak and in a place we could not rest it was looking pretty bad. However, lady luck was there to help us because an ally of Tavvok passed by and gave us a lift back to camp we had some enemies on the way back but they were weak and easy to dispose of. Finally getting back to camp we found out that even though for us it seemed like only 2 days journey we have been gone for much longer.     From Belial: Well…that was quite the trip. It was the first time I’ve been to the mainland, and I’ll say that it was quite the memorable one. We were sent to recover some kind of artifacts from Candlekeep that these apparently famous old wizards made or something. I don’t know, I’ve never heard of them. Anyway, it was quite the adventure. Maybe I should break this down by each day. Yeah, that’ll work.   Day 1: We were given instructions from Cpt. Tel, who then led us down to the Jim’s home. I’d never been in there before, and I have to say they put on a pretty good spread. I could give them a few pointers, but it was good enough. After our meal they sent us on our way. Teleportation isn’t as scary as I thought it would be. When we arrived, Kevin did something that none of us were expecting and suddenly Kevin, Falyer, and Faye we flying into the air. Well hot damn that could have been the end of our mission right there, but Kevin surprised us all again and he did something to float them all safely back down to the ground. After that we followed the directions that were given to us to find Candlekeep. We avoided a possible fight with some creepy red eyes in a tunnel, we fought our way through a Goblin toll bridge. Again, Kevin almost fell to his death, but he did blow up a bunch of the goblins so we forgave him. We finally came to Candlekeep and got in line to enter. Each of us were required to present something written for them to retain in order to gain entry. Turns out the place in a big ol’ library city. They seemed to like the booklet of recipes that I presented to them. The alternative uses of yoghurt to replace eggs is probably what did it. You see, there was a time during my grandparent’s time when chicken eggs where hard to come by. A sickness were causing the eggs to rot and they needed to find a way to replace them. Well milk was still prevalent at the time and a good fresh yoghurt can… Sorry, sidetracked.   Day 2: While we waited to gain entry to the dungeon under Candlekeep where the Mirrors were supposed to be kept, we spent this day exploring Candlekeep proper. That. Place. Sucked. Should have probably just spent the day at the Inn. We almost died, like three times just by walking around. Lesson of the day, don’t trust that nothing bad could possibly happen, even if your guide says so. We did get to hear some interesting prophecy…poetry…something. I’ll add what I can remember at the end.   Day 3: We finally get to go to the dungeon. Holy hells. Guys blowing up. Zombie filled hallways. Dragons, Big winged cats with human faces, vampires, ghosts, demon boys with scary hot moms. I would not recommend visiting. …we almost lost Faye. We did lose Kevin to the dragon, though that was his choice to ensure that we could get home with the Mirrors. I’m not exactly sure what Tavvok did to get the Mirrors, he was sent somewhere else to get them, but we were able to get back to camp with all three. All in all, it turned out for the best for Fort Vegapath. I even made a new Lucky little friend.