A Rudy Awakening in Soldiers of the Sword Coast | World Anvil

A Rudy Awakening

Operation Parameters

Date 1492 DR, 13 Eleint (18/02/2022)
Soldiers Tavvok, Aujirgix, Aceso, HALe, Virgil


Assist Rudy. That's about all we knew going in.    


  • Rudy can turn Papavi into a Tiger during combat
  • Rudy claims he is a MASTER monster hunter; nothing he can't kill
  • Rudy required an amulet with two wings on going up on either side, with a castle in the background; broke the chain as the person died,
  • After 15 minutes of travel Rudy was able to travel what seemed like an impossible distance. We were suddenly in a tundra, looking at a giant castle gate of two towers, with a connection between them with a door.
  • Seems that we were transported to the village of Krezk in Barovia
  • Savaged what we could from the run down and rotting house
  • Made our way to the abbey and fought the abbot after a brief conversation... it seemed that he had turned people he "saved" into werewolf creatures as instructed his god - which is the same as HALe's god -- Lathander. He said he worked for/with the "dark lord" of the land.
  • Aujirgix collected the blood
  • After killing him a strange voice talked to us, and tried to convince us to stay and meet with him -- we assumed it was the dark lord the abbot spoke of
  • The party raced to get to Rudy before the "carriage" being sent by the voice/"dark lord" could get to us.
  • Rudy told us to MEET him now, as he was being chased by what we learned was a goliath named "Vegapath the Bloodbringer"
  • Aujirgix decided he was going to stay behind and meet this "voice" despite Tavvok running back to try to convince him not to; Aujirgix slipped the bottles of blood into Tavvok's bag during this period
  • We made it back out of the town, and out the gates in time to meet Rudy, and jump on as it approached with the goliath chasing him
  • Rudy said we made a good distraction as he gathered a few things from his old home
  • Rudy was instantaneously able to teleport us back to the Fort
  • Follow up

  • Rudy asked the soldiers of this mission to follow up with him after a couple days; might have a gift for us.
  • Given the capabilities of Rudy, it will be worthwhile to continue to assist him, but beware that his requests and actions may push the moral line of some soldiers of the camp
  • Preparation Details


    Operation Details

  • Rudy as he calls himself now
  • Trustworthy enough
  • more than capable
  • He's being getting his wagon ready for hours... quite excited at the prospect.     Hear bangs of bells and pots coming from Rudy's wagon. Movement of boards and items.   Tavvok calls out for Rudy:
  • no immediate response
  • eventually comes out of the cart.
  • Recognizing Aceso and Tavvok
  • Introduces to the rest of these "new friends"
  • asked HALe about if he would smite someone who's corrupt
  • Rudy sends Papavi to the shoulder of HALe to watch him
  • said that Papavi smelled something of the worst kind this morning...
  • worst kind of bad... we're going to "take care of them"
  • keep 1 asshole alive as they would be useful
  •   We went to check the stables since most of us lost our horses in the darkness that took over Horsa.
  • found 1 decent horse
  • 1 spacy horse
  • 1 asshole horse
  • Bring them back to the cart.
  • Rudy strings them up, with the best one at the front.
  • Phase 1:
  • need to get an item from people.... evil people
  • Phase 2:
  • exploit them to take what we can
  • go somewhere very special -- old place
  • Going to leave you there (at gates) Go inside, first house on the left, take everything of value. - Belongs to Rudy... so okay.   Follow road up to big building:
  • very bad man - with the enemy; corrupted believer of the morning lord; used to be. Necromancy. deal with creature... you see when you go.
  • kill him
  • bring me 3/4 vials of blood
  • Come back down, and he picks you up. Will be back in 5-6 hours.
  • Seems getting back in time is critical.
  •   Wagon is ORNATE and colorful!
  • when we get there... Papavi might get a little crazy... lose control
  • we must kill every single one of them. Very bright clothes... don't believe to them.
  • after a while, he heads hard west into the trees
  • ride for 35/40 minutes west towards Ogden
  • smelling roasting swine in the air
  • Rudy claims he is a MASTER monster hunter; nothing he can't kill
  • Papavi stabs things
  • we see a flicker of the fire, as Rudy slows the wagon.
  • faint sound of accordion... seem happy
  • these seem like jovial people...
  • Aceso is uncomfortable with all of this. Buffed his party but couldn't bring himself to attack.    
  • Virgil & Aujirgix sneak around to the opposite side in the bushes/forest.
  • Papavi goes into the people and cuts the throat of one that approaches.
  • Aujirgix hits one
  • Rudy turns Papavi into a tiger with a snap of his finger
  •   Rudy said: These people take children in the night...
  • pulls out a silver dark amulet - break the chain as he killed them.
  • required for what he needed to do...
  • odd emblem... Rudy says it doesn't matter...
  • Aceso looks and sees a crest with two wings on going up on either side, with a castle in the background.
  • beautiful great axe -- wrapped heavily in cloth... seems to eat the light around it... bleeding shadows
  • the potions that looked like healing potions... weren't based on Aceso investigating them.
  • - Aceso share of the gold for the hospital… he doesn't want the money     Rudy goes over the plan with us again: --------- Go inside the first house on the left, take everything valuable... then follow road up to big building
  • kill the evil old man
  • get 3-4 vials of the blood from him
  • if you are successful, we will tell us what's the blood from the evil old man is for.
  •   Travel for only 10-15 minutes, but the pressure in the wagon would change.   Rudy: - "Hey fuckers, I'm back! Come get me" - he then jumps off the wagon and leaves   On top of the two stone towers with a center connection with an arch door, two fellows would pop up. - throws down a vial and a dagger   Everyone needs to take a sit and make a little cut on their arm.
  • dagger gleams
  • water has metal flakes
  • holy water!
  • Seems like they were testing us if we were undead/fiend/etc.   Haven't seen an odd party like this in quite a while - since the "Lady F'ers?" (not sure about this name)
  • giant cincotta tree; large forest and mist at the bottom of this rise.
  • nothing of note in the distance
  • Guards:
  • I remember that little shit that ran away. Are you sure you're with the little man that ran away... of your own volition?
  • This village has seen better days. We let you in for the time being.
  • The village of "Krezk"
  •   Didn't want to let us in. - What do you need? - mentioned Abbey of Saint Markova - anyone making the pilgrimage to see the great "morning lord" is welcome.     Once we get inside with the wagon, we see the abbey at a distance. - roads are almost freshly paved - first house on the right... seems run down... maybe abandoned.   HALe: Statue/shine to Lathander     The place is disheveled and covered in blood. Large king-sized bed pulled to the front. Looks like barrier had been there for a very long time. - looks like a man who was attacked... tried to hole himself in     We fan out to search this house.
  • Humans are mostly missing limbs
  • cape with a goat’s head on one side
  • hear whispers of voices... bit by bit... "help please... do this Ben?"
  • more whispers "spectral flash... swing down, HELP US PLEASE NO... how could you."
  • basement had some kegs, but most were extremely damaged. Some people filled their wine skins
  • went to the top floor, but the floor was damaged
  • - a few people fell through - we left as the house made noise as Aujirgix falls through the floor along with what looks like a fireplace  
  • took the wagon 3/4 mile up the road
  • hit a point where the air changed. harder to breathe. sun shone a bit brighter
  • hit a point where it was road was very windy and thin
  • - werewolf like creature... but less werewolf and more human(ish) - abbot expects you! - cart different than usual -- usually dark! you're early - she is almost ready! "Come, come!"  
  • silhouette of a very large castle in the distance. must be massive to see it at this distance
  • The creature asks what names are are again:
  • "where is the blood bringer"; Tavvok convinces him that Aujirgix is him
  • - "Vegapath you look different". No giant axe   Iconology of Lathander on the abbot - tells the werewolf creature to "be gone" - why were they animals - greatest sacrifice... to try to help us get away from this place - disease runs in their land   Virgil: - checks the abbot, his is a celestial - resist to radiant, non-magical - immune to charm/frightened/exhaustion - informs us before the fight begins   Abbot:
  • mentioned this place is called Barovia
  • my evil had already come
  • - trying to cleanse it. I come closer each day. - Lathander guides him to turn these people in what they are!? - said he saved them, and they made the sacrifice.
  • “Rictavio and his shit monkey”
  • - annoying - missing a leg - had an apprentice - Tiefling; cleric of star god   - the lord is coming soon - this land is Barovia - robbed him - petty thief; alley blade; backstabber; etc.     Abbot: - the dark lord is "coming"! - he seems to be serving him? something about his brides?  
  • Tilson draws a sword
  • Fight with this celestial... - we could hear howls, and movement as time went on - Aceso was conflicted with being the aggressor in this fight, but did what he had to help the people he was with…   We win, but it's a tough fight... - almost immediately begins to fade - Aujirgix ran up and collected the blood - during this period the carriage and horses were destroyed/killed by the werewolves creatures   single voice appears - "what is it that you have done?"  
  • HALe grabs the mace from the Abbot, and form fits to his hand
  • howling cry of wolf in the distance
  • Voice in our heads: - be with you in a moment... - 'we have much more to discuss than you realize.' - 'sending a wagon to pick you up... told the wolves to leave you alone'  
  • Aujirgix sees in the distance, trees being bulldozed over... at incredible speed.
  • Rudy's sent a message to Aujirgix to "MEET ME NOW. Being chased by a goliath..."
  • Everyone starts to RUN.
  • - need to beat the "dark lord's" carriage and get to RUDY first.   the voice: - "if you leave you on such terms.... will not be as hospitable in the future... we will meet again"    
  • Aujirgix
  • - decides he is going to stay behind... - Tavvok turns around and desperately tried to convince him to come back with us - Aceso and the others kept running - Seems that he failed... as Tavvok eventually caught up without Aujirgix; and was devastated - it seems that Aujirgix slipped the collected blood into his bag during whatever exchange they had...     we did manage to get down the path, through the town, and out of the giant gates before Rudy got there.  
  • a huge "goliath" is chasing the carriage that Rudy is driving... it's "Vegapath the Bloodbringer"...
  • - Virgil said, "isn't there a statue of him at the camp?"  
  • Rudy says JUMP ON NOW!
  • - we jump on a wagon as it's moving... - tell us to close our eyes and plug our ears.   seconds later... we hear a familiar cry... "OPEN THE GATE!"   Rudy
  • you were all a great distraction... had to get something at my old house
  • will have a gift for you in a day or two... come back then
  • Jim is going use the blood we collected for an experiment