Ellidell Settlement in Soldaana | World Anvil


Ellidell is a large, magical city that sits in the jungle and mountainous southwest region of the country of Tsaescen. It embraces the magic and power of nature, taking inspiration from Sylvan, Fey, and Primordial magic and influence in its culture and architecture.


Ellidell is home to those interested and fascinated by the beauty and power of nature and its raw components. It has a large representation of humans, elves (High Elf, Wood Elf, and Eladrin), city-dwelling Firbolgs, and many Genasi of all eight elements.


Ellidell is under rule of a parliament type system that is represented by the various races throughout the city and its surrounding villages (including Noronay and Serethen). This parliament actually holds presence in Andolay as the city has political and financial ties to Andolay's king and queen. The King of Ellidell is purely ceremonial and is a representation of the Eladrin past and the ties to the Gods - specifically Loterna before her split.


Ellidell prides itself on sustainability and ties to nature and its powers. As such, they are some of the most devout and spiritual peoples in all of Soldaana. They revere all Gods and as such have high levels of missionary and religious works. Otherwise, the Genasi in the city use their skills to build and create throughout the city, such as construction or cooking.


Ellidell is broken up into two sections. The first is the "Residential" area in which most of the non-Genasi civilians live and thrive. The second is The College of the Primoridals. There is no segregation or purposeful divide here, but rather the Genasi choose to live branching off the college as biomes/spheres that best support each of the eight elements are represented in the college grounds - giving the Genasi their optimal and desired living conditions.
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