Andolay Settlement in Soldaana | World Anvil


Andolay is the trading capitol in Soldaana, dealing in exotic exports from all over Soldaana and many of the other island countries that lie to the far east.


As a major city and hub of trade in Soldaana, Andolay is busting with diversity as traders, naval explorers, and adventurers frequent the city. Andolay does have a large population of Yuan-Ti and Pureblood Yuan-Ti as well as many human and near-human variants.


Andolay serves as the seat of power in Tsaescen and all of the country's governance comes out of the city under the rule of the King and Queen - as well as the Parliament representation of the cities of Andolay and Ellidell.


Andolay is the center of trade in Soldaana and also serves to house the continent's largest, central bank - The Golden Hoard. Due to these properties, Andolay serves as the de-centralized treasury of Soldaana and sets the trends for the price of coin and goods.


Andolay is broken up into different islands that function differently in terms of trade or residential occupancy.   1 - Central plaza. The lifeblood of the city lives here, the working and lower castes of the city take residence here.   2 - Mint Condition - a Tavern and Inn in the center of Tsaescen square.   3 - Garden of the Gods and the Sky Spire - massive spires that reach into the sky. Viewed as holy sites by those who worship the gods and is a training ground for many monks, swordsman, and Ki-users.   4 - The Amber Hoard is a MASSIVE trade port, bank, and storage area in which the monetary lifeblood of Soldaana is kept alive. The banks are represented by a member of each major house, but Andolay serves as the major headquarters.   5 - Golden Market. A vast and sprawling market area that serves as one of the major entrances into the city. Unique foods and wares from all of Soldaana (as well as the ancient Shattered Lands to the East) are sold here.   6 - Northern Star. It is said that this island was the first inhabited in this area, even before the Convergence. Here lie ancient buildings, tombs, dungeons, and statues of the past. The Yuan-Ti have a large presence in this part of the city - feeling connected to the ancient past.   7 - Steppes of Salvation. The steppes are a vast series of farms that are built into the hills and side of the mountains of the Upper Moon Isle - providing sustenance not only to the city, but much of Tsaescen as well.   8 - Upper Gardens. The upper gardens are considered the "rich" portion of the city, where the nobleman and wealthy reside.   9 - Blue Jewel Plaza. The Blue Jewel serves as the center of training those who are interested in the arts of coin, the written word, and oration. Many Bards are trained here or seek knowledge from masters here.   10 - Copper Coast. This island originally served as a massive mine of copper and tin. It has since been exhausted of its resources, but now serves as a residential and industrial district of the city - though most needed things come from Ebonrock.
Alternative Name(s)
The Golden City
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