Sornen Kaz'gomiuth Character in Solaritas | World Anvil

Sornen Kaz'gomiuth

The Everflame Sornen Everett


Sornen Kaz'gomiuth's tumultuous origins are rooted in the union of Desmond Everett, a Aefling, and Sozreth, an Archdevil. Conceived through a pact that aimed to rid Desmond of his unwanted Nephilim heir, Sornen's birth resulted in a twist of fate. She inherited the demonic side of her Nephilim power, granting her a unique blend of celestial and fiendish qualities. As a child, Sornen spent her early years in the care of Desmond, learning about the world and honing her skills alongside him. They formed a deep bond as they hunted together and embraced a semblance of a normal life. However, the envious and jealous Sozreth eventually reclaimed Sornen, feigning her death to deceive Desmond.   In the Nine Hells, Sornen endured grueling battles orchestrated by Sozreth to unleash her true potential. It was during this time that she encountered Sarthron, her step-sister, another weapon birthed for Sozreth's use. Sornen repeatedly bested Sarthron in duels, fostering resentment and hatred within her half-sister.   Despite her defiance and fighting spirit, Sozreth saw little value in keeping Sornen around, perceiving her as more of an inconvenience than a useful tool. Thus, she banished Sornen to the mortal plane, casting her adrift in the world.   Finding herself wandering from town to town, Sornen struggled to navigate the complexities of mortal life. Lacking a proper understanding of money, she resorted to theft as a means to survive and improve her circumstances. It was in the city of Colkirk that she was apprehended by a city guard named Felana, an Alu-fiend with a mixed heritage of Succubus and Human.   Despite Felana's initial disapproval of Sornen's thieving ways, she recognized the similarities they shared as fiends and formed an unlikely friendship. Felana became a guiding presence in Sornen's life, offering advice and cautioning her against her kleptomaniac tendencies. Together, they navigated the challenges of their fiendish nature while seeking a sense of belonging in a world that often judged them harshly.  
Date of Birth
42nd of the fourth