Gods in Solaritas | World Anvil


"Emerging from the depths of primordial darkness and the searing brilliance of cosmic light, we, the divine multitude, descended upon the tapestry of existence. Born from the very essence of primal creation, we etched our indelible presence across the vast expanse of the multiverse, weaving our destinies with the fates of mortal and immortal alike."
— Solarion

Primal Gods

Primal gods in the universe of Solaritas are the foundational deities, born directly from the explosive birth of the cosmos itself. In the timeless void preceding creation, an enigmatic orb of pure, unbridled potential gave rise to their existence. This orb, containing the raw essence of primordial matter and energy, heralded the dawn of the multiverse. The Great Explosion, a cataclysmic event of incomprehensible force, ignited the birth of the universe and marked the emergence of these primal deities. The first of these primordial gods include Solarion, the radiant God of the Sun, whose brilliance and warmth nourishes the cosmos. Lunara, the luminous Goddess of the Moon, who casts her ethereal light upon the night skies. Terra, the nurturing Goddess of the Earth, who cradles the material realm in her embrace and fosters life.
Notable Primal Gods
  1. Solarion
  2. Lunara
  3. Terra
  4. The Fates
  5. Azura
  6. Tempesta
  7. Aetherius
  8. Janus
  9. Mercury

United in their purpose, these deities waged a cosmic war against the aberrant aboleths, ancient and malevolent beings that once ruled over the primordial elements. From the remnants of the exploded orb and the forces they harnessed, they shaped the Material Plane, laying the very foundation of reality.   These primal gods represent the fundamental forces of the universe and its earliest order. As the cosmos expanded and evolved, other gods from distant dimensions and realms ventured into this newly born universe.   Solarion, as the Chief Deity, assumed the mantle of cosmic authority, ensuring balance and order throughout the multiverse. Under his watchful gaze, a diverse pantheon of deities emerged, encompassing a wide spectrum of moralities, from benevolence to malevolence. Their presence ensured the cosmic order and stability that held the universe together.   The primordial gods are revered as the architects of existence, their influence enduring as they continue to shape the destiny of mortals and the unfolding cosmic drama of creation and existence in the universe of Solaritas.

Foundling Gods

Notable Foundling Gods
  1. Vesta
  2. Ceres
  3. Vulcan
  4. Ventus
  5. Ignis
  6. Aquilo
  7. Calypso
  8. Voltaris
  9. Fortuna
  10. Pluto
  11. Morphea
  12. Cara
Foundling gods in the universe of Solaritas are unique divine beings born from the union of two preexisting deities. Unlike the primal gods, who emerged directly from the explosive birth of the cosmos, foundling gods are the offspring of divine unions, representing the convergence of distinct divine domains and attributes. These divine unions can be seen as cosmic events, where two powerful deities come together in a union that transcends the boundaries of their individual domains. The resulting offspring inherit aspects of their divine parentage, often embodying a fusion of the divine qualities, powers, and responsibilities of their divine progenitors.

Foundling gods are exceptional in their diversity and abilities, as they inherit a broader spectrum of divine influences. Their existence may serve to bridge gaps or connections between different domains of the pantheon. For example, a foundling god born of a celestial deity and a deity of the natural world might become a god of wildlife and harmony, aligning with both the celestial and natural aspects of their parentage.
These divine beings play unique roles within the pantheon, often serving as intermediaries, diplomats, or arbitrators between their divine parent's domains. Their birth can signify a significant moment within the pantheon's history, often leading to changes in the cosmic balance and divine dynamics.   Foundling gods, like all deities, wield great influence over the mortal realm, guiding and shaping the lives and destinies of their followers. Their divine portfolios and attributes reflect the divine union from which they sprang, offering mortals a unique perspective and source of divine favor.   In the ever-evolving tapestry of the universe of Solaritas, foundling gods contribute to the intricate divine hierarchy, embodying the union of divine domains and providing new avenues for mortals to seek divine guidance, protection, and inspiration.

Forged Gods

In the universe of Solaritas, gods that are neither primal nor foundling represent a distinct category of divine beings known as "Self-Created" or "Self-Forged" gods. These deities, often born from unique circumstances or events, have come into existence through their own means, separate from the primal explosion or divine unions. Self-Created gods in the pantheon of Solaritas possess a certain mystique, as their origin stories tend to be shrouded in enigma and transcend conventional divine narratives. They might emerge as a result of cosmic anomalies, the collective beliefs and aspirations of mortals, or even from the convergence of extraordinary magical energies.
Notable Foundling Gods
  1. The Iron Emperor
  2. Azathoth
  3. Vorgath
  4. Nefarion
  5. Malaphor

These deities are often defined by their independence and self-reliance, as they were not born as a direct consequence of the universe's creation or the union of other deities. Instead, they are self-determined and self-sustaining, forging their own divine portfolios and realms of influence.   The Iron Emperor, a notable example, represents the god of war and conquest. His ascent to godhood was marked by an extraordinary conquest or act of heroism that propelled him into the divine realm. This unique path to divinity sets him apart from the primal gods, who emerged from the creation of the universe, and from foundling gods, who are the offspring of divine unions.   Self-Created gods, like all deities, exert their influence on the cosmos and shape mortal destinies according to their domains and beliefs. They often serve as symbols of self-determination, ambition, or exceptional achievement, inspiring mortals to strive for greatness or overcome insurmountable challenges.   These self-forged deities may be revered by followers who share their ideals or seek their guidance in matters aligned with their divine portfolios. Their existence adds depth and diversity to the pantheon, reflecting the multifaceted nature of the cosmos and the potential for divine emergence through unique and extraordinary circumstances.