Vesta Character in Solaritas | World Anvil


Goddess of Humanity

"The hearth's glowing warmth brings light to even the darkest of nights. In kinship's embrace we find shelter from life's storms. Shared laughter lulls heartache while joys multiply when divided amongst loved ones. No matter how far your journey takes you, remember the candle waiting in the window to guide your way home. Within the halls of home abides a wellspring of comfort ever awaiting your return. So come, sit awhile and let me renew your spirit with love's nourishing elixir. Take rest and allow the bonds of family to balm your wearied soul. For the circle of kin is a sacred space that invigorates the heart and gives meaning to all we hold dear. Wherever you wander, in spirit you remain ever at home in my embrace."
— Vesta
Vesta appears as a kindly matronly figure, radiating comforting warmth. Her flowing auburn hair and hazel eyes project maternal compassion. Vesta dons simple earthen robes of tan and green hues. She resides in an ever-growing divine cottage reflecting her dedication to hearth and home. As goddess of humanity, Vesta sculpted the first humans from clay, breathing life into them with pieces of her spirit. Humans thus inherited Vesta's compassion along with elements of her appearance. Vesta sees humanity as her children and actively nurtures their growth.   In addition to humans, Vesta helped create halflings, drawn to their homely ways of living. She designed them in her image but smaller, giving them family-oriented values. Vesta also assisted in forming dwarvenkind, granting them skill in masonry, metalwork and craftsmanship to build lasting structures.   Vesta is Neutral Good in alignment - she believes in community, protecting one's home, and doing right by your family and neighbors. However, she is not overtly concerned with larger societal laws or rules. To Vesta, the home and those you care for are most important.   Her followers include parents, homemakers, landlords, farmers who value fertility, and any who see home as a sacred place. Among adventurers, kindly rangers and clerics often revere Vesta for blessing their paths. Temples to the goddess emphasize domestic trappings like hearths, nurseries, and spaces for community gatherings.


The hearth represents the warmth and comfort of home.

God Alignment

Neutral good

Worshipers Alignment


Aspects of Godhood

Home, Family, Unity, Humanity

Divine Domains

Life, Light, Nature, Community


Devout followers of Vesta include farmers seeking bountiful harvests, skilled blacksmiths dedicated to their craft, and compassionate human healers tending to the sick and injured.


The Material Plane



Neutral Good