Riji Howland Character in Sol System | World Anvil
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Riji Howland

Riji Howland was the leader of the rebellion in the Second Martian revolution, and first General Secretary of the Martian Republic.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in Vesmírna to Vikash, a geologist, and Jessica Howland, a police officer, Riji grew up learning a lot about both Mars itself as thier home, and of the politics that ran it. His father's work always left him feeling a little bored but the idea of terraforming and being able to see water splashing up a coastline on Mars fasinated him, as he grew he learned that the terraforming project was being continually postponed but the Lunarens for the prospect of better mining oportunities in the lowland regions of the north. He also learned of the way Martian authority was being stiffled by the continued and constantly growing presence of Lunaren security being stationed planetside. He saw his parents trying thier best to enjoy the lives they'd built, both doing work that they theoretically would love to do, if it weren't for the Lunaren influence over their world.   When he was older Riji moved to in 2560 Noctis and attended university where he met people with similar ideas as his, he learned of a growing seperatist movment amount the Martian colonists that wanted to retry their hand at gaining freedom from Luna.

Current Status
2542 2714
Place of Death


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