Glossary of Terms in Sof Sator | World Anvil
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Glossary of Terms

Accipitoid -- A category of sapioformes characterized by feathered wings that permit some degree of flight or gliding. Many accipitoids have narrow heads with beaks, but some accipitoids have the flat faces more commonly associated with simiinoids. The number of limbs varies, with some accipitoids having both arms and wings and some having wings in lieu of arms. Some sapioformes that do have feathers or wings are not included in this category if they are not capable of any kind of flight, or if they more fully meet the descriptions of other categories.   Alpin -- A subgroup of Anthral.   Anthral -- A kind of simiinoid sapioforme heavily dispersed throughout Sof Sator.   Carnivate -- A type of Anthral that feeds primarily on meat.   Fabriforme -- A descriptor for living beings that are either manufactured or spontaneously created through unnatural events or unusual incidents. In order to count as a true fabriforme, this being must be capable of decision-making and self-preservation, though they need not always exercise these capabilities. This descriptor does not require but can include sapient thought, self-awareness, and empathy; many fabriformes demonstrate these qualities, but many lack them in whole or in part. The designation of fabriforme is often overlooked in the descriptions of living beings, particularly because a bias toward sapioformes frequently prevents fabriformes from being seen as living beings at all. This bias has waned in recent centuries, however, as the Termins fabriformes have come to prominence in Sof Sator. There are those who challenge that Termins should be designated as sapioformes, however, and insist that no true fabriformes have ever been observed.   The Golden Reef -- An archipelago northwest of Sof Sator once ruled by the angels of the Marble City, these islands are now ruled by the sanguinates of the Kingdom of the Golden Reef.      Littorn -- A subgroup of Anthral.   Nor Sator -- A peninsula extending from northeastern Sof Sator, it is often considered its own distinct, lesser landmass.   Nor Sator League -- A military-economic union of three nations on the peninsula of Nor Sator. Helmed by the northernmost port city of Gray Watch, this union also includes the states of Cradsoun on the west side of the peninsula and one of the few anthral-minority nations, the Aldalneld Writhe in the east. It previously included the nation of Ossea, which was destroyed in an isolated conflicted with the Kingdom of the Golden Reef in 1087 CR. Because they are fighting the Thousand-Year War against the Rhyqir Valley Alliance, which is allied with the Greater Sabine Trade Compact and therefore Revan, the Nor Sator League is economically isolated from the larger continent of Sof Sator and experiencing both economic and military hardship.   Omnivate -- A type of Anthral that feeds primarily on plants, and on meat to a much lesser extent.   Rhyqir Valley Alliance -- A military-economic union of three nations in southeastern Sof Sator. Helmed by Pharaul on the slope of Ydras in the Rhyqirja Mountains, the alliance also includes the nation of Laines in the forests on the western side of the Rhyqir Valley and the coastal city of Vont on the frozen eastern coast. This alliance is also associate with the Greater Sabine Trade Compact pioneered by Revan, placing the leaders of the Rhyqir Valley Alliance as allies of King Hysmal of Revan. Their primary rivals are the Nor Sator League, against whom they fight the Thousand-Year War.   Sapioforme -- A descriptor for living beings capable of sapient thought, self-awareness, decision-making, and usually some level of empathy. Sapioformes tend to create languages and societies in ways that other living beings do not, and the existence of art can be considered a primary indicator of a sapioforme. However, 'art' should not be considered a prerequisite; this and other preconceived notions of sapioforme characteristics often bias an individual's ability to judge other beings as sapioformes. On the other hand, many individuals have a sapio-centric view of the world which interferes with their ability to place value on, or show full empathy toward, non-sapioforme beings. Both of these biases should be avoided. Nothing that a sapioforme does or is can be considered unique or exclusive to sapioformes, including both minor things like the ability to build tools or enjoy music, and major things like the building of societies or adherence to religion.   Sanguinate -- A type of Anthral that feeds exclusively on blood.   Simiinoid -- A category of sapiorme characterized by relatively flat, sometimes rounded faces, with dry noses and highly developed general senses. They have two arms and two legs, hands and feet with gripping fingers and toes, and thumbs on at least their hands. Most simiinoids do not have claws. They are not commonly carnivorous, though they are not exclusively herbivorous. Many simiinoids possess tails, and when they do they are often long and used for gripping as well as balance. Simiinoids usually have fur or hair. Simiinoids are well evolved for climbing and sometimes for running. While anthrals are the most common simiinoid sapioforme in Sof Sator, no single anthral perfectly fits this description; alpin anthrals do not have gripping toes, sollin anthrals often do not have tails, littorn anthrals usually posses very un-simiinoid claws, and any anthral may eat primarily meat. As ever, categorizations of sapioformes are generalizations.   Sollin -- A subgroup of Anthral.   Tercaelo -- A kind of accipitoid sapioforme that lives almost exclusively on the high peaks of the Rhyqirja Mountains.   Termins -- A kind of fabriforme dispersed throughout Sof Sator.   Vedrfol -- A kind of accipitoid sapioforme once widely spread throughout Sof Sator, but now extinct.


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