
A process that certain Miinu whose Bug kin are Holometabolous or Hemimetabolous. This occurs when the Miinu reaches adulthood.  

Affected Groups

Metamorphosis is limited to miinu whose bug kin undergo major biological changes through metamorphosis.   Holometabolous miinu undergo pupation and include; Coleoptera (Beetles), Lepidoptera (moths & butterflies), Hymenoptera (bees, ants, and wasps), and flies, among others.   Hemimetabolous Miinu skip the pupation phase and enter one from right from another and include; Odonta (Dragonflies & Damselflies) Cicadas, Orthoptera (Grasshoppers & Crickets), Mantis, and Cockroaches, among many others.


It is a natural process that occurs in the miinu equivalent to puberty, when the hypothalamus starts flooding the body of a young nymph with hormones. The process usually starts at around the age of 14 - 16 years and ca and metamorphosis is the final stage of miinu puberty, usually happening at 16 -17 years old. Afterwards, the miinu is biologically a fully mature adult.


The hormonal effects are usually noticeable a week or two in advance. The nymph will begin to feel more sluggish and hungry. They will feel an instinctual urge to hide away in a safe place, cocoon themselves, or climb to a tall point. They will often be moody and isolate themselves from others, and must be kept watch over to make sure they don't wander off somewhere unsafe.   A few days before the change happens, the nymph's skin will feel dry, itchy and flakey. They might also complain about a tight, suffocating feeling, and their skin will be courser than usual. They will also stop eating solid foods, as their stomach will start rejecting it.   24 hours before metamorphosis, the body will be sore from cramps. For Hemimetabolous miinu, this will be particularly painful as their body will be undergoing all of the changes rapidly underneath their old skin. They will need to rest in a safe spot until they emerge, as they will be in too much pain to do anything else. Eventually, the miinu will molt their skin for the last time.   Holometabolous miinu will curl up and go into a semi-conscious state, where they appear to be asleep while their body contorts and sheds their old skin, leaving behind a plump pupal form. The pupa will be asleep for another few weeks, in this state, only responding to touch or sound with twitching. Meanwhile their bodies will break down and rebuild itself. After the process is done the adult miinu will tear through the pupa and an emerge.   After emerging, the miinu will still have to pump fluids into their wings and abdomens to inflate them properly. Afterwards the miinu will be very tired and need to take things easy for a day or two.


Since it's a natural process, the most a miinu can do is treat the symptoms with medicinal remedies, heat, and rest. It's always recommended that a parent or guardian be around to guide the nymph through the process, as it can be scary and overwhelming. A guardian can also make sure a miinu makes their transition into adulthood safely and healthily, as metamorphosis leaves them vulnerable.

Cultural Reception

Despite how grotesque, scary, and painful metamorphosis can be, it's a natural and very important step in a miinu's journey into becoming an adult. Change and rebirth is a big aspect of miinu culture and it's something to celebrate, not fear. Many will try to make the transition easier by throwing parties and giving gifts to the blooming nymph, a tradition known as Metamorphosis Day.
Affected Species


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