Aki Van Suederburg Character in Slimea Multiverse | World Anvil

Aki Van Suederburg

Written and Owned by Drackzahn

Aki Van Suederburg

Friends are friends and I help my friends!
by Drackzahn
Do not think of her as just a cute girl with a fluffy tail! She is far older than your grandfather and acts before she thinks. One wrong word and you end inside her tail. She is dangerous, but if you get on her good side, she is also a fantastic friend and ally.
— Knight describing Aki

Physical Description

Body Features

Aki has a well-trained body, even for a Maldary. She has tanned skin and a long golden tail. Her legs are long and strong, and combined with her big feet, she is able to run fast, even through the sands of the desert. Her body has a strong endurance and a high agility.

Special abilities

Aki is a Maldary and has all their abilities. Due to her high agility and her experiences in fighting, Aki has developed her own fighting style. She uses her tail to absorb any foe quickly by closing the distance quicker before most enemies can even react. It is safe to assume that she has absorbed hundreds of people over the years and still holds many inside her tail. Due to her past as a knight, Aki is able to handle pikes, swords, war hammers, shields, and bows easily. She also knows how these weapons work and what the strengths and weaknesses there are when fighting against them.

Apparel & Accessories

Aki wears a golden star necklace. This necklace was given to her by an adventurer she helped in 1942 as a gift. She kept it and it has an emotional meaning to her, as her friend died against a monster only 2 years after she received the necklace. Aki does not know if the necklace has any religious meaning, or who created it. For her, it is a reminder that friends can vanish quickly and that she must enjoy every single day and should always be there for her friends.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Knight of Suederwall
Aki was born as Akimidia Van Suederburg near the city of Suederwall in 1811. She was the third daughter and 5th child of a small lower noble family of knights and was raised von the Suederburg near the city, the family seat. Since she could walk, she trained to be a knight, as it was tradition for her family. Akimidia was neither an especially good, nor bad knight and due to her noble birth, she gained the command over a small squad of soldiers in 1828, with the age of only 17. She served in the local knight army with her soldiers and joined many smaller and bigger battles. Her first big battle was against a raiding party from the Holy Queendom of Kete in 1835. In the following years, Akimidia fought in several battles in the Hidden War of Kete and rose in ranks. In a battle near the river Konos in 1842, Akimidia was wounded and traveled back to her hometown. Her arms were crushed and she had problems breathing since then, because of the brute war hammer that hit her directly.  
Last Battle
The wounded knight lived a good life since her last battle in the war with Kete. She married at the age of 33 but was unable to bear children. Together with her husband, she lived in a side house on her family seat. In 1852, at the age of 41, Akimidia led her troops into battle against a tribe of Maldary. The tribe was furious because of the broken promises with them by her family. It was not Akimidia's fault, nor was she even there as the promises were broken. For her honor as a knight, it didn't matter. Her home was attacked and even as a wounded knight, she could at least lead her people into battle. During the fight, a Maldary attacked her and she was absorbed into the tail of the attacker. Her family was able to push the Maldary back, but Akimidia was pronounced dead as nobody could find her after the battle. On the family graveyard, there stands a stone with her name on it: 1811 - 1852 - Knight Captain Akimidia Van Suederburg - Died while defending her home.  
Maldary Rebirth
The years passed in which Akimidia was trapped in the Maldary tail. Time and space were meaningless and she lost all feeling for it. 49 years she spent just as a trapped soul inside the Maldary, longer than her own life as a human. As the Maldary who had caught her felt that her own end was near, she decided to free Akimidia. Instead of returning to the world as a human with broken arms and problems breathing, she was reborn as a Maldary. She began calling herself simply Aki, as it felt right as a Maldary to shorten her far too long name. The young Maldary learned the way of her tribe and what it meant to be a Maldary. She remembered her old life, yet she knew that too much time had passed and that all she knew was long dead. Due to her transformation, she felt not bound to her old life and her old self anymore. It was like a life before her new one, a dream slowly beginning to fade away.   Since then, Aki lived as part of several tribes of the Maldary, wandering through the Hach Desert and often visiting the Holy Queendom of Kete, not as an invading knight, but a Maldary. She helped thirsty travelers and merchants reach their destinations, she traveled from town to town and saw how they changed over the passing decades and she herself transformed many people into Maldary over the years.


As a human, Akimidia had a husband and was happily married. She was heterosexual. After her rebirth as a Maldary, she loses her sense of sexuality and makes no difference between males and females while deciding who to cuddle.


As a noble knight of Teuhali Order, Aki learned to write and to read and as a knight, she learned tactics and strategy. Most of this education and knowledge is deeply buried since she was reborn as a Maldary. She still has her old education and skills, yet she hardly ever uses them.


1828 - 1842 - Knight of the Teuhali Order
Since she was 17, Aki served as a knight for her family and her nation. She took part in many battles and defended her honor and her people. She was neither an especially bad, nor good fighter, but did what was expected of her.  
1842 - 1852 - Educator for young knights
Since she was wounded in battle, Aki worked as an educator for younger knights in her home town. She gave them the basics and hoped to help them surviving their first battles. She did this till she herself was called into battle as her home town was attacked.  
1891 - Today - Travelling Maldary
Since her rebirth as a Maldary, Aki traveled like it is tradition for her people. While she spends most of her time as a part of a tribe, she also travels often alone through the desert in search of adventures. Officially, she scouts and provides information to her current tribe, yet in reality, she often spends her time just meeting new people and finding new friends.

Morality & Philosophy

Similar to most Maldary, Aki is a rather free spirit who has a simple view of the world. Either people are friends of hers, or not. Those who are friends can expect help from her and the typical Maldary cuddle sessions, which she enjoys heavily. But if you are not a friend, she can be feisty and often simply absorbs meanies into her tail. Aki has no good feel for personal belongings and takes what she needs if there is a good opportunity. Her word has value and Aki stands to her promises. If Aki promises something to a friend, she will uphold it with all her might, even if it is to her own disadvantage. It may be her past as an honorable knight, or simply the feeling to be a good friend, yet betraying others or breaking a promise are simply things that are absolutely nothing Aki wants to do.

Personality Characteristics


Will you be my friend? Do you want to cuddle together?
Aki is filled with the wish to meet new people and visit her old friends from time to time. She has friends in nearly every town and loves to visit them when she is in their area. It is always devastating to hear when a friend has passed away. When she meets a friend that is already ill, or very old, she offers to take them with her. If her friends accept this offer, she will absorb them and keep them in her tail. Some of them are later been reborn as new Maldary, while the rest keep her company at night from time to time when she is traveling alone.

Likes & Dislikes

Aki likes open people and those who are friendly towards her. She is easy to befriend and enjoys meeting new people. As much as she likes warm people, she dislikes betrayals and meanies, as she calls all who want to hurt her or her friends. Aki loves fighting and never dodges a fight if she has a chance of winning it. She loves the heat of a battle and to finally win and absorb her enemy into her tail. As a Maldary, Aki loves cuddles heavily and invites many to them! She loves cuddles of many kinds, but especially in warm and comfortable areas, like inside bubbles or genie harems. Aki enjoys bubbles due to their cuddly and comfy nature, as long as they come from friends. She dislikes being trapped against her will and will take revenge on those who trapped her and not let her out when she wanted.

Vices & Personality flaws

It was one wrong word and a bad move by him. He laid his hand on his sword and in the next moment, she was already next to him and had her tail wrapped around the poor guy.
Aki is hot-heated and acts quickly without thinking twice. She is no person of big, long speeches or deep conversations, but acts before thinking. A simple wrong move in her presence can be enough for her to see you as a meanie and meanies must be absorbed into her tail! Because of this hot-heated behavior, many cities try to keep her out of their walls.


  • Aki once absorbed two water elementals accidentally in her breasts. She realized it only at the next oasis.
  • Aki once had a bubble priestess of Sylvia as friend. It was over 50 years since she last saw her.
  • Aki often speaks in the third person of herself. She refers to herself as "Aki" instead of "I".
  • Many of Aki's best friends have dueled her at least once.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Knight Captain
Date of Birth
23rd November 1811
Year of Birth
Suederwall - Teuhali Order
Long, Golden-Orange
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1,78 m
71 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Low Atlanteanish
Species | Jan 4, 2024
Teuhali Order
Organization | Apr 3, 2024

Cover image: by Drackzahn
Character Portrait image: by Drackzahn


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