Leap Tradition / Ritual in Skydwellers | World Anvil
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One of the most amazing aspects of the Skydweller world is that it is a place where humans and dragons not only coexist - they are allies, with each group relying heavily on the other. In fact, almost every individual dragon bonds with a human, and vice versa. A Bond is a very special friend who supports and helps their Bond - they are closer than siblings.   All throughout their kindergarten year, young humans get to know dragons their age and, after several months, choose to train with one of them. Not all Skydwellers have to have a Bond, and a few of them choose not to go through the process. After going through a training course, during the third month of a Skydweller's first grade, they go through a tradition called a Leap, where the humans will put their trust in their dragon friend and leap off a cloud, hoping that their dragon will catch them. If they do, the trust required to take that action creates a bond, and then the dragon will let the human steer them back to the cloud, trusting them not to crash or hurt them, sealing the bond.    If a dragon fails to catch their friend (in which case the adults watching will catch the person instead), then there are two options: move forward in friendship or go back. Moving forward creates a different kind of Bond, equally powerful as the others. Going back will result in either re-doing the leaping process (with a different dragon for the human and a different human for the dragon) or, if they choose not to redo the leaping process, they will not have a Bond until they choose to Leap again. The Leap tradition is celebrated with a feast at the end of the day.   Adults can go through the Leaping process as well. It's less common and not the focus of every Leap Day, but it does happen - if a Bond has died or the two friends have gone their seperate ways, then they can find someone new to be their Bond. It's a very special relationship and critical to the alliance between humans and dragons - the two were once simply allies that depended on each other. And now they are one people, intertwined by their years of friendship and trust: they are the Skydwellers.


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