Skeigham History of Bren Timeline

History of Bren

The Brennian Liberation War

1473 AR 1478 AR

Tired of the colonial occupation by Baradolia, several Brennian Pirate Crews rise up in revolt to fight against their opressors.

  • 1473 AR

    Founding of Golden Privateers

    A group of Sellswords realizing that Bren ultimately has the richer resources decides to partake in the uprising against Baradolian occupation.

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    Golden Privateers
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  • 1473 AR

    Founding of Gazezu's Skulls

    During an uprising against Baradolian Opression, some pirates and smugglers band together against their fleets.

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    Gazezu's Skulls
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  • 1473 AR

    Founding of the Lost Company

    Desperate because of a long oppresion by Baradolia, Brennian citizens rise up and turn pirates to fight for their freedom.

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    Lost Company
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  • 1474 AR

    Founding of the Hunters of the Green Lagoon

    In an effort to protect a specifically holy island from the troubls of war, a crew made up of only Brenari Elves rises up and joins the fight against Baradolia

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  • 1474 AR

    Founding of the Dead Guards

    Desillusioned by the merciless occupation of Bren by Baradolia these deserteurs are the first to join the uprising of the pirates, declaring themselves as dead to their country.

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    Dead Guards
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  • 1478 AR

    Founding of the Black Executioners

    By delivering the current heir of Baradolia to Bren, this renegade crew earned their place among the Brennian Pirates and effectively ended the Liberation War

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    Black Executioners
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War of A Thousand Weeks

1482 AR 1501 AR

  • 1483 AR

    Founding of the Venemous Rovers

    Seeing the destruction caused by the liberation war, these Brenarie elves and Affaeiand fanatics band together to protect the islands through millitaristic means.

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    Venomous Rovers
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  • 1484 AR

    Founding of the Bloody Raiders

    Part of a Bartonan Raiding Troup joins the conflicts within the Brennian region, partially coerced by Baradolian promises. They will later join the Pirates of Bren

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    Bloody Raiders
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  • 1485 AR

    Founding of the Deepwater Damned

    Trying to redeem the actions of their captain as a sellsword working for Baradolia, this now independent crew starts interfering in the covert phase of the War of a thousand weeks

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    Deepwater Damned
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  • 1485 AR

    Founding of the Redsea Raiders

    Witnessing unrest rising during the covert part of the War of A Thousand Weeks, a crew of former sellswords starts a quest for justice among the Islands of Bren.

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    Redsea Raiders
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  • 1486 AR

    Founding of the Unlucky Bastards

    Seeing opportunity in the covert phase of the War of a thousand weeks, a group of smugglers bands together to hurt Baradolian's weapon trade

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    Unlucky Bastards
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  • 1488 AR

    Founding of the Sunken Swords

    While tensions curing the covert parts of the War of A Thousand weeks rise, several fishermen abbandon their homes to oppose Baradolia.

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    Sunken Swords
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  • 1491 AR

    Founding of the Deepnight Delvers

    By uncovering the malicious purposes of many covert actions by Baradolia in the covert part of the War of a Thousand Weeks, a group of deserters allowed Bren to declare open war against Baradolia.

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    Deepnight Delvers
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  • 1492 AR

    Founding of the Haunted Fighters

    As the War of A Thousand weeks breaks out into the open, local merchants ris up and join the Sunken Swords in the fight against Baradolia

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  • 1492 AR

    Founding of the Malicious Mermaids

    As the open phase of the War of a Thousand Weeks breaks out, this crew abbadonds the Deepwater Damned to do as they please and protect what they seem worthy of their protection.

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    Malicious Mermaids
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  • 1492 AR

    Founding of Teranus' Terror

    As the War of a Thousand Weeks breaks out into the open, this crew decides to fortify their position around the island of Teranus, ultimately becoming the ruling / occupying force there

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    Teranus Terror
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  • 1492 AR

    Founding of the Lurking Shadows

    As the War of A Thousand weeks breaks out into the open, several farmers and fishermen band to gether to start fighting dirty when defending their homes. Most of them get ultimately shunned by their families and develop into a dominant but desperately dirty fighting pirate force.

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    Lurking Shadows
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  • 1495 AR

    Founding of the Haunted Seahawks

    During the all open phase of the War of a thousand weeks some mutineers decide to spread their own idea of militaristic justice.

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    Haunted Seehawks
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  • 1498 AR

    Founding of the Sunset Serpents

    Seeing an opportunity to carve out their own empire during the War of a Thousand Weeks, this group of pirates starts to stirr up trouble against Baradolian troups.

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    Sunset Serpents
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  • 1499 AR

    Founding of the Shimmering Skulls

    Towards the end of the War of a Thousand Weeks a group of smugglers define it as their duty to protect the trade routes of the independent islands.

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    Shimmering Skulls
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The Three Kingdoms

1502 AR 1509 AR

  • 1502 AR

    Founding of the Wildsea Fury

    After the War of a Thousand Weeks ends, many pirates go rogue. To avoid being swept away by other crews, they losely band together in this unstable alliance that will fortify over the years.

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    Wildsea Fury
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  • 1508 AR

    Founding of the Red Sirens

    A group of resolute women is tired being left behind and decides to take matters into their own hands, as the Bellpepper Conflicts arise. They form a formidable privateer crew

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    Red Sirens
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  • 1509 AR

    Founding of the Iron Hammers of Treos

    By capturing several skilled smiths and engineers from Baradolia, a crew of pirates starts to rapidly gain a technological advantage.

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    Iron Hammers of Treos
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  • 1509 AR

    Founding of Tjorben's Crew

    As tensions with Baradolia grew again, a group of pirates split from Gazezu's Skulls.

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    Tjorben's Crew
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Bellpeper Conflicts

1510 AR 1521 AR

  • 1513 AR

    Founding of the Darksea Beasts

    In the midst of the Bellpepper Conflicts a small fleet bands together to protect ruins of unknown age. This will inspire them later to go on the search of (and trade with) ancient artifacts.

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    Darksea Beasts
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  • 1520 AR

    Founding of Coppersea Sharks

    Towards the end of the Bellpepper Conflicts some pirates see the opportunity to band together to hunt down Baradolian fleets.

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    Coppersea Sharks
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  • 1521 AR

    Founding of the Savage Snappers

    Following the gruesome destruction of Zianan Harbour, this crew bounds together at the end of the Bellpepper Conflicts and leaves their sellsword ways to exact revenge on those responsible.

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