Kinegem Enterprise Organization in Skeigham | World Anvil

Kinegem Enterprise

Kinegem Enterprise is an organization focused on mining and refining high quality Kinegems. They are one of several such organizations in the Port of Gems but by far the most influential one. It has full control over a mid sized mining village in the Port of Gems, the Kinegem Enterprise Mining Grounds and through this gains the right to claim a permanent seat on the settlement's council.
Kinegem Enterprise prides itself in being a "one company does it all" enterprise. They mine the various types of Kinegem out of the mountains of the Rathram jungle, they cut and refine the gems, handle logistics in the settlement as well as administration and even train a militia to protect the grounds from unprovoked attacks by the savage locals.
As a side effect of their mining operation, Kinegem Enterprise also supplies the Port of Gems with Building grade stone and refined sand.
A recent incident had Kinegem Enterprise explain themselves. After a big wave of sickness and sickness related deaths in the farming colony Grenasnal Crossing it was discovered that the enterprise is channeling most of their waste products directly into the Grenasnal River. From now on, the company has to provide healthcare for the workers and do at least a marginal magical cleansing of the waste products.
Kinegem Enterprise is the most attacked company by the savage locals. There are rumors the mining operations are being conducted on sacred grounds.
Due to the ready supply of kinegems for experiments and improvements, the mining bores of the Kinegem Enterprise are the most efficient and modern in the world.


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