Pixies Species in Sithean Mohr Silva | World Anvil



Ability Score Increase +2 Dex, +1 Cha
Size Tiny
Max Altitude:5ft


Age: You reach adulthood at age 16 and stop aging. You may only die from injury.
Alignment: Mischievous little things Pixies tend toward the chaotic side of life.
Size: usually only 0'6" to 1' tall and weighing up to 4lbs you are considered tiny.
Vision: Darkvision
Fey Origin: You are considered a Fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature of origin. You have advantage on checks to resist Charm and cannot be put to sleep by magical means.
Pixie Magic: You gain the ability to cast the Druidcraft cantrip at will. You can also cast Enlarge/Reduce spell on any non-living object once per short or long rest. At level 5 you gain the ability to cast the Fly spell once per long rest. Charisma is your spell casting attribute for these spells.
Speak with Beasts: You can communicate with natural beasts and fey beasts.
Wee Warrior: You have proficiency in Undersized Weapons. You roll with Disadvantage on all strength checks.
Languages: Common, Sylvan

  An enchanted race born of raw fey magic, pixies are the diminutive fey folk in Feuiglad. Under the direction of the Court of Stars, they etch the patterns of frost on the winter ponds and rouse the buds in springtime. They cause flowers to grow and sparkle with summer dew, and they color the leaves with the blazing hues of autumn. Some believe that the pixies stole the secret of honey from the mead goblet of the Summer Queen, then sold it to the bees. It is said that they taught the birds to fly and to sing. These childlike sprites have a penchant for mischievous fun, and there is no game a pixie will not play, no sport it will not attempt, and no revelry it will avoid or decline.  

Physical Traits

Barely over a foot tall, pixies resemble diminutive eladrin with gossamer wings. These wings sprout from their backs like those of dragonflies or butterflies, but are grander and more beautiful than either. Pixie wings come in as many colors as there are shapes to dreams. Despite their almost insubstantial quality, they are as bright as the clear dawn and as luminous as the full moonrise. Pixies rarely appear to onlookers unless they wish to be seen, and other people who happen to spot a pixie are astonished at the first sight of these tiny fey. When pixies fly, a shower of sparkling dust follows in their wake like the glittering tail of a shooting star. Pixie dust is said to be composed of the dreams of the living forest, the gold of the brightest sunbeams, and the starlight cast upon lovers. When such elements are combined as one, they elevate the soul and grant the ability to fly. Pixies' eyes come in as many different colors as their wings. When pixies interact with mortals in the world, their eyes appear to have pupils. However, the natural state of a pixie's eye is a single glittering orb like that of an eladrin. Pixies wear light, ephemeral clothing that grants maneuverability while they fly. Noble pixies array themselves like princes and princesses of the fey, wearing flowing gowns and doublets of spider and caterpillar silk that sparkle like moonlight on a pond. Wild pixies dress themselves in acorns, leaves and bark, and the pelts of woodland beasts. Pixies prefer armor made of acorns, insect chitin, leather, the scales of reptiles, stiff bark, or fine mithral mail. They rarely wear heavy armor. Pixies live as long as eladrin. In the Feuiglad, the race measures time in centuries, and pixies are effectively immortal unless they are slain. However, legends claim that some pixies are so bound to their human reflections in the world that they perish when that human dies.  

Attitudes and Beliefs

According to the oldest tales of the mortal races, pixies are as enchanting as the heart's true desire and as dangerous as the kiss of fate. Possessed of simple desires, pixies frolic in the sunlight, sing in the rain, and dance beneath the moon and stars. Eternally childlike, they find their joy in new games and new experiences, and boredom is their constant adversary. Pixies thrive on randomness and excitement. The banal, common, and everyday routine of ordered life that mortal humanoids must endure is anathema to the long-lived pixies. Their restlessness gives rise to the kinds of tricks and pranks for which pixies are best known. When pixies enchant mortals to fall in love with ugly beasts or with their most hated enemies, they do so not only for their own amusement. Such magic is a gift that allows a bewitched mortal to break the ordinary routine of his or her life. Despite their love of chaos, pixies obediently serve the Court of Stars and obey the commands of its leaders. They divide themselves into orders that revere their own rulers. Some serve the Summer Queen, others the Prince of Frost. In the world and in deep pockets of the Feuiglad, wild pixies can be found who serve no master. These dangerous fey view the members of other races as intruders in their realms, and are known to torture and slay them for sport. Even the benevolent pixies who serve the Court of Stars can be dangerous. Mortals who wander into a fairy ring during a pixie dance can cross over into Feuiglad without warning, becoming trapped there for years.   Like other fey, pixies rarely perceive short-lived humanoids such as humans as equals, living as they do only in the moment. Nevertheless, they believe that even the clumsiest mortals have the potential to experience the freedom and wonder that all pixies know.  

Pixie Communities

In the world, pixies make their homes in deep forests or hidden grottos beneath the hills, far beyond the sight of other humanoids. In these places, pixies cast their shimmering lights to color their domains in incandescent hues, gradually shifting from soft red to bright yellow to deep violet and back again.   Some say that the realms of the pixies are the places where rainbows begin and end, and those rainbows are pixie roads emanating from the light of the kingdoms they connect, which can be seen by mortals only when the sun shines through the rain. Though pixies prefer to keep out of sight, they can be found almost anywhere in Feuiglad. As intrinsically magical as they are whimsical, pixies enhance the world around them with their presence. At the beginning of time, the Court of Stars passed down decrees on each type of pixie, charging it with duties to uphold in Feuiglad. Some pixies brush the flower petals with morning dew, while others are responsible for conjuring the evening mists. Some are charged with awakening the winking stars in the night sky, while others paint each sunset into a masterpiece of vivid colors. Such labors keep pixies focused on putting their magic to benevolent uses, rather than becoming a source of pure mischief. Pixies in the world carry these traditions over with them. A creature that strays near a pixie home finds the world more alive somehow, thrumming with life, color, and breathtaking natural beauty. Pixie settlements vary as widely as the shifting spectrum of color found in them. Isolated pixies build their homes among the roots of great trees in settlements similar to those of the gnomes. Larger pixie settlements resemble kingdoms in miniature, expanding to fill underground caverns or the insides of entire hills. Wild pixies live high up in the trees, where they tame birds and arboreal mammals for war and labor. Pixie communities. are ruled by nobility, usually a hereditary king, queen, prince, or princess whose ancestor was granted this title by the Court of Stars in the distant past. Pixie monarchs are at once wise, graceful, fierce, and powerful-a wonder to behold. Although pixie rulers enjoy mischief and play as much as any other member of their race, the responsibility given them by the Court of Stars keeps such behavior in check.    

Roleplaying a Pixie

When creating a pixie adventurer, here are a few points to consider.   A childlike perspective. Pixies experience the world much as children do. They focus on the present, concerning themselves little with the past or the future. This is not to say that a pixie is not deeply saddened by the passing of a close companion, or that pixies are incapable of real emotion. Pixies simply don't dwell long on such matters, instead committing fully to the present moment and the experiences it has to offer. You give your full attention and interest to the task at hand, but cannot be bothered to reflect on the events of yesterday or tomorrow. For this reason, some creatures view you as flighty and capricious, even as others see you as a wise mystic, free from attachment and constantly living to your fullest potential. Possessive of things, protective of friends. Though they abhor typical civilization, pixies have a strong sense of ownership. You do not keep many possessions, but those you do carry-a bird skull helmet, a bat wing cloak, a fine ribbon, a silver bell-are your treasures. No pixie will tolerate another creature handling such possessions without permission. By the same token, pixies see their friends as possessions. Anyone who threatens to harm your companions rouses your ire and will likely suffer for it. Braver, bolder, and fiercer than you appear. Though pixies are tiny in stature, they exhibit a bravery that surpasses their size. When pixies take to arms, they fight with a singular ferocity. In their mail of shining leather, scales, or insect shells, they resemble miniature versions of the eladrin stalwarts of old.
Pixie Characteristics: Brave, charming, childlike, energetic, fierce, magical, mischievous, outgoing, playful, possessive, stealthy, vigilant
Pixie Male Names: Acorn, Barleycorn, Briarthorn, Buckthorn, Dogwood, Hawthorn, Hayseed, Hazelwood, Hoarfrost, Juniper, Maplesap, Mistlethrush, Nettle, Pinecone, Sparrowhawk, Thistledown
Pixie Female Names: Appleblossom, Bluebell, Cobweb, Cottonwood, Dewdrop, Heartsease, Holly, Hyacinth, Ivy, Larksong, Lilyflower, Mistletoe, Moth, Mustardseed, Peasblossom, Willowbough


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