Silvanus The Bar Timeline

The Bar

This is a timeline of events that happen within the bar itself. The timeline of the entire world is MUCH more extensive. This pertains to major events leading up to Germaine becoming Keeper.

  • 1945 AD

    1949 AD

    Building the Bar
    Construction beginning/end

    With the help of his elven wife, Camilla, Brennus builds Silvanus. He had fully intended for it to be a bar with an upstairs apartment. The apartment was completed first so that they had a place to live while the bar was finished.

  • 1948 AD

    The First Heir
    Life, Birth

    Matthew Joseph St. Just was born in the upstairs apartment of Silvanus. Sadly though, baby Matthew was born sick and weak. The source of his illness was not known to his parents at the time, though Germaine has since created her own theories as to what caused her late father's illness.

  • 1969 AD

    The First Marriage

    A quiet but happy wedding ceremony was held in 1969 for Matthew and his new wife, Maer-ixa. Maer-ixa was an elven woman from Zazanax, like Camilla.

  • 1970 AD

    The Second Heir
    Life, Birth

    Germaine was also born in the upstairs apartment of the bar. Unlike her father, however, she was born completely healthy.

  • 1980 AD

    Death of the First Heir
    Life, Death

    Matthew passed away due to health complications. He was surrounded by his family when he finally passed on.

  • 1983 AD

    Fallen in Battle
    Life, Death

    Maer-ixa had been called upon to defend her clan and their allies from a potential invasion. The defense was an eventual success, but Maer-ixa lost her life in the battle.

  • 1988 AD

    Death of the Matron
    Life, Death

    Camilla passed away after failing to recover from an infection in her lungs. The infection turned out to be magical in origin and, because it was found too late, ended up killing her.

  • 1993 AD

    Death of the Keeper
    Life, Death

    While Brennus was visiting another Keeper on their home world, there was an attempt on their life. Brennus drew the attacker's attention and took the killing blow. This distraction saved the other Keeper and gave guards time to approach and take the attacker into custody. They were sentenced to death and Brennus was given posthumous honors, accepted by Germaine.

  • 1994 AD

    The Mantle of the Keeper
    Political event

    Germaine, still grieving, takes up her grandfather's responsibility and becomes the youngest Keeper in recorded history.