This page is still in draft


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Dec 10, 2018 21:10

The article about the elven tribe's ethnicity? I got here from their nation's page, and wanted to read about the people.

Dec 10, 2018 21:34 by Camilla S

Oof, I'd love to, but that specific article is extremely outdated and needs some heavy reworking, since more than half of it is about things that I've changed since I wrote it :/
I can notify you when I'm done editing it, if you want? I can't promise how fast I'll do it, but I can definitely make it a priority :3

Dec 11, 2018 11:39

Yeah, please notify me. ^^
Don't stress yourself. I can wait. ^^

Dec 30, 2018 11:13 by Elias Redclaw

Is this article about the leader of the elven tribes? I got here from your article on Inmalenor and would love to read about this guy.

Dec 30, 2018 11:51 by Camilla S

High Chief Yozig has about 51 words in his article, where everything is in the sidebar, so I'll have to overhaul it a lot before publishing it, I'm afraid. :/
I could give you a heads up when it's done, if you want! :3

Dec 30, 2018 13:41 by Elias Redclaw

No problem! Give me a heads up if your done!