Diviners Species in Shireon | World Anvil


There are many sights that are gruesome in this world. I still haven't seen anything as chillingly brutal and bloody as a Diviner reading the future, though.

Diviners are large feline creatures with high intelligence and sharp senses. Hunting humanoids for sport, this sophisticated killing machine used to roam the mountain range of The Thauros Spine looking for prey. The species is almost extinct due to being killed by scared people living in the same areas as the Diviners do, and there might only be one Diviner left alive. The only reason why this lone creature is left alive might be because of the Diviner's ability to see the future.

When there were more than one Diviner left they roamed the whole area called The Thauros Spine. The only known Diviner that is still alive lives on and around Death's Table.

Dangerous Predators

Diviners are obligate carnivores and eat only fresh meat. They aren't picky about what kind of meat it is, as long as it isn't old, spoilt or poisonous to eat.

Relying on pouncing their prey, the Diviners hunt much in the same way as solitary large cats. They sneak up on their prey to get as close to it as they can, and then they pounce, killing their prey with their razor-sharp claws and teeth. The prey is then dragged back to the Diviner's den where it's ripped apart for divination and finally eaten.


It is said that the Diviners can see the future. How true this is can be discussed as they don't get the future right every time, yet their predictions usually have some truth in them. When confronted with the fact that they aren't always right the Diviners usually blame either the inability to interpret the predictions of lesser beings or that someone did something that altered the future they saw.

The Diviners have several ways to read the future, though most of them include brutal murder of another creature. They usually read innards or blood, where the blood can either be used as a surface to scry through or interpretation of the shape of splatters. The innards are read by looking at general health and how they fall when they exit the body. Generally, if someone openly doubts the Diviner's ability to see the future in front of it, it will offer to use the nonbeliever as its next divination supply.

Although it's generally considered a bad idea to wander into the den of a Diviner, some people do when they need to know what the future will bring. It's relatively safe if you bring it something to eat that is large enough to satiate its hunger so it doesn't eat you and treat it with respect and courtesy. It does think it's better than you and flattering it is often a good move. If you do everything right, the Diviner might agree to tell you the future. If you're considered rude or don't bring it enough food, it will probably eat you and use your innards for divinatory purposes.

Doesn't die of old age
Conservation Status
The Diviners are considered extinct. There's only one individual Diviner known to still be alive.
Average Height
1 meter
Average Weight
200 kg
Average Length
3 meters

Intelligent Beings

Having an intelligence level that's at the same level or slightly higher than most humanoids, the Diviners are dangerous creatures that can easily hunt and kill humanoids as prey. This might be the reason why the whole species was ruthlessly hunted down until there was only one left.

Solitary Creatures

Diviners live solitary lives, only spending time with other Diviners when mating. They will rear their cubs for just long enough to survive on their own, then chase them away to fend for themselves.

Diviners are fiercely territorial and will not tolerate other Diviners in their territory without a good reason.


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