Xiao/Yosei Species in Shengdi the Middle Empire | World Anvil
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Xiao/Yosei (hsiao/yòóséé)

Tiên (elvish) - Elf

“Of all the Kunitsugami none are more captivating than are the spirits of the rivers and forests. None are more wild and passionate, more in touch with their former kami nature. And none are more responsible for epically tragic tales of love. Whether attributed to a quicksilver nature, or slow aging, an affair with one of these beings most often ends in sadness.”
  • Sage, Tong Zhao-zi
  • Basic Information


    Elves, known as xiao or yosei, are a bipedal, warm-blooded, endoskeletal species consisting of four limbs and a single head. Elves have different physical characteristics depending upon which ethnic group (sub-species) from which they spring. Whether they are slightly taller or slightly shorter than an average human, all elves have less physical mass than a human being and share an almost ethereal quality in their forms and movements. Though still almond-shaped, elven eyes are slightly larger than human eyes and all elves, regardless of ethnicity, have pointed ears of one shape or another. As well, elves tend to have little, to no, body hair to speak of and no facial hair.

    Biological Traits

    The wood elves, or mu xiao, are slightly taller than the average human. Their skin is often darker, the color of oak, and they are the most physically imposing of their species. Their hair most often comes in shades of green, and changes color with the seasons. Much like the leaves of a deciduous tree. Their eyes are usually a brilliant shade of green.
    The river elves, or kawa yosei, are slightly shorter than the average human. Their skin is generally quite pale, and they are, physically, the least imposing of the species. Their hair usually a lustrous black or a deep blue or purple, bordering on black. Every once in a while, a member will be born with silvery-colored hair. Their eye color ranges from silvery-grey to deep blue.
    Fox elves, or kitsune yosei, like their river elf cousins, tend to be slightly shorter than the average human and pale in skin tone. Their hair colors tend to range from a deep red to bright orange to dull gray. Where fox elves to the north have gray to white hair coloring. Fox elf eyes tend to be rounder than other species of the empire and colored a bright, gold, with the flesh around them a dark black, as if wearing pigment. Their ears are more cone-shaped and tipped in black fur. The fox elves possess another strange, animalistic trait in the form of a fox-like tail in the same shade as their individual hear hair, tipped in white or black. 
    Tanuki elves bear the same unique appearance traits that fox elves do. With a few, key differences: their hair coloring ranges from brown to grey to auburn. Their tails, while bushy, appear more rounded. Their ears are more rounded, rather than sharply pointed. The skin around their eyes is covered in a very fine, short fur that is universally dark, giving them the appearance of wearing some sort of mask. Tanuki elves are also slightly shorter even than the fox elves and more broad making them appear very squat.

    Genetics and Reproduction

    Reproduction is accomplished between the male and female sexes of the species. Young are birthed live after a gestation period of three years.

    Growth Rate & Stages

    Elven babies are born mostly helpless and completely dependent upon adult caregivers. They learn to walk within the first two years of life, go through an adolescent period of about 50 years, and reach sexual maturity between 50 - 60 years of age. Though, this can occur at a younger or older age depending on factors such as diet, parentage, or environment.

    Ecology and Habitats

    Elves tend to prefer natural spaces, whether open or in close. Elves tend to work with nature when constructing their dwellings. Their buildings seem to almost be natural extensions of whatever type of environment they're set in. Some do this by encouraging the growth of trees or other plants into forms which benefit the individual elf. Others find naturally existing spaces, such as grottoes and caves, and build into them. Subtly manipulating the natural energies of these spaces to give them what is required.
    Elves in human cities, tend to use their natural abilities to make human-built dwellings more agreeable to their aesthetics. Many plant elaborate gardens, for instance, or arrange the furnishings in more open ways. Still others will create more windows and open spaces.
    Fox elves tend to prefer close dens, like their animal cousins. They will build relatively simple dwellings above-ground, but then construct an elaborate set of rooms beneath.

    Dietary Needs and Habits

    Most elves are an omnivorous species and freely consume both vegetable and animal matter. Wood elves, however, have a more difficult time digesting animal matter. Therefore, their diet is mainly plant-based and sometimes supplemented by easily digestible meats such as fish.

    Biological Cycle

    Elves are an incredibly long-lived species. They age and mature far less quickly than humans, and are considered to have reached adulthood around the ages of 80 - 90 dependent upon social customs. Old age is considered to have been reached around 800 years, and death usually occurs between the ages of 950 - 1000. Though, again, this can happen earlier or later depending upon many factors, including diet and environment.

    Additional Information

    Social Structure

    Much as the humans, the family is the central structure of society. With age being of particular importance among the social order. The elderly are venerated, and cared for, by the younger generations. While the mother and father are the central figures and rulers of any household. From there, the pecking order is generally simple: going from eldest to youngest household member in terms of authority and respect. Due to the influence of the Great Sage, Tong Zhao-zi, this dynamic was broadened and made to encompass the empire as a whole. With the emperor and empress being made into both venerable elders and the mother and father of the "household" of the entirety of the empire.

    Facial characteristics

    Elven faces are fine-boned, with slightly larger, almond-shaped eyes and pointed ears. They also are unable to grow facial hair.

    Geographic Origin and Distribution

    Elves range across the width and breadth of the empire. Though certain ethnic groups have ancestral homelands in specific areas of the empire. The wood elves come from the vast forested lands in the northeastern part of the empire known as Qinglong's Sea. The river elves come from the southern edge of the empire-proper around the Land of Ten Thousand Rivers and the Endless Fields of Reeds. The fox and tanuki elves are the most widespread and live on the fringes of human civilization.

    Average Intelligence

    Due to their long lifespans, elves tend to be learned individuals.

    Perception and Sensory Capabilities

    Elves have the natural ability to see the flow of qi, whether in the natural world or within a living being. Without concentration, this sight allows the species to see perfectly in dark spaces.

    Civilization and Culture

    Naming Traditions

    Elven names traditionally consist of three parts: the lineage (family) name, which can be patrilineal or matrilineal depending upon the alignment of the ethnic group, one or more middle names, and the given name. Usage is in that order.
    Like all other races and groups across the empire, the family name is always positioned first when used. It is passed down from parent to child.
    Most elves have one middle name, but it is possible to have two or more. Some have none at all. The most common usage of a middle name is to indicate the generation of the one possessing it. For example, brothers and sisters sharing a middle name that distinguishes them from their parents and grandparents. Another common usage is to separate and distinguish the branches of a large family or clan. Sometimes, though, especially in the case of multiple middle names, a middle name is attached to enhance or change the meaning of the given name. In this case, the middle name is always used in conjunction with the given name when speaking of the individual.
    The given name is the most commonly used, even in formal situations. With the notable exception of the mu xiao, who use their family names when being addressed formally. In these situations, formal titles are used before either the surname (if a wood elf), or before the given name for any other ethnic group.

    Some of the more common family names among the xiao follow (elven names use Vietnamese):
    Lieu, Le, Dang, Bui, An, Banh, Tien, Ngo, Ho, Tran, Phuong, Su.

    Major Language Groups and Dialects

    Tien-ngu (elven, using real-world Vietnamese). It is known as Xiaoyu or Yoseigo in either Dayangyu or Daiingo.

    Common Etiquette Rules

    Bowing, even if only slightly, is considered proper when greeting any elf. The degree of the bow and the types of bows considered to be appropriate depend upon which ethnic group of elves one is dealing with. Some stand on strict codes and traditions, while others are more laissez-faire about the whole thing.
    It is universally considered to be polite to remove one's shoes before entering an elven domicile.
    Elves eschew chairs in preference of reclining or sitting on cushions on the floor. In more formal settings, the proper way of seating oneself is in the ngồi thẳng position. A position long-since adopted by the Daiyin peoples in which one folds their legs underneath them and sits on their heels with their backs straight. A posture known as seiza to the Daiyin, and zuò zhí among the Dàyáng, humans.
    Gift giving is considered an important gesture among elves. When visiting someone's home or attending special occasions, it is customary to bring a small gift as a token of appreciation or goodwill. These gifts may include handcrafted items, tokens of nature, or items that reflect the recipient's interests.
    Elves often emphasize communal dining and sharing meals. When invited to someone's home for a meal, it is customary to offer gratitude and compliments to the host for their hospitality. Depending upon the elf's ethnicity and their comfort with their host or guests, they may engage in light-hearted conversations, share stories, and express appreciation for the food and company.
    Elves understand the importance of personal space and respect boundaries. They maintain an appropriate distance from others unless a closer relationship has been established. They are mindful of others' personal space during conversations and interactions, ensuring that they do not intrude or make others uncomfortable.
    Elves value active listening and considerate communication. When engaged in conversation, they give their full attention, listen attentively, and provide thoughtful responses. Interrupting or speaking over others is considered impolite, and they strive to maintain a balance between expressing their thoughts and allowing others to speak.
    Expressing gratitude is an essential part of elven etiquette. They actively express thanks and appreciation for acts of kindness, favors, or assistance. Gratitude is extended through words, gestures, or small tokens of appreciation, demonstrating their respect and acknowledgement of others' generosity.

    Culture and Cultural Heritage

    All elves share the same spiritual connection with the natural world. With their ancestors being the spirits of trees, plants, waters, and animals, they acknowledge the reality of the spirits which exist within the bounty of nature. Like peoples across the empire, animism is a central tenet of their religious and cultural heritage. While Okuninushi is one of the primary amatsukami worshiped by the elves, many more of their shrines and temples are dedicated to the gods and spirits of the lands around them. The elves' primary reason for being in the world was the stewardship of the wild places. Those places which were particularly, spiritually, resonant, with their own Dragon Springs and Dragon Pools running through them. Temples are often built around these spiritual pools with cities growing out from them. Showcasing the continued, cultural impact of their ancient duties from before many of the races walked the earth.
    Like much of the rest of the empire, Face is one of the defining properties of all elven cultures. While some may treat it with a greater or lesser degree of importance, the cultural value of Face is still there within each of their often disparate societies. 
    Family is the foundation upon which most elven societies sit. Even among the more independent elven cultures, such as the river or tanuki, the family is still at the core of their lives. 
    Ancestor worship is as much at the core of the elves' world view as animism is. Perhaps, even more-so. The elves believe in the spirits of the natural world because their ancestors once were some of those self-same spirits. Therefore, it could be argued that the core of the animism is the worship of their own ancestors and ancestral forms. 
    Above all else, elves value natural spaces. They were once the spirits of the natural world, and this very nature draws them to protect and nurture the natural spaces around them. Purposefully bringing harm to natural environment is anathema to them, and is likely to bring an answer, in kind.

    Common Taboos

    There are whispers and myths of other groups of elven people. People who were irrevocably lost to the distant past and the elven civil wars. No elf, however, will speak of them. To do so is considered a major taboo. To continue to press the matter, after being informed of the faux pas, is taken as a grave insult.


    Like most sentient, humanoid species, the elves credit their very creation with Takami-musubi, the Life-bringer. However, the various elven peoples were originally different types of nature shen and kami inhabiting the Shinkai. At various points in the early history of the first age, known as the First Ten Thousand Years of Peace, these various spirit beings gained physical form and came to live mortal lives in the physical world. Though stories and legends abound, the exact reasons for how or why are lost to the mists of time. Once in mortal forms, these once-spirits were given the divine mandate of keeping the world's life energy, the assorted Dragon Springs and Dragon Pools, running free and pure.
    These mortal kami spread over the face of creation, what is now the empire, in order to better be about their tasks. They congregated and built cities around these sites of power, wondrous places which at once blended in with, and enhanced, the natural beauty of the landscapes in which they were built. These cities spawned small, insulated societies around them. Though never large, these societies waxed and waned in power. Some of them claiming several Pools at one time or going to war with one another over a particularly prized Pool or Spring.
    Many of the Yang-aligned were aggressive and contentious, and would start vendetta wars over the smallest of slights. Whole families, clans, and cities could be wiped from the face of creation over a single, untoward glance. While those of the Yin were insular, wanting only to study their place in the world and all-but ignored the world around them.
    In what came to be known as the War of Nine Tidings or the War of Tears, the elven peoples as a whole were nearly wiped from the face of creation in a massive civil war which started with the forest spirits and eventually encompassed all the elven city-states throughout the world at that time. The war lasted for many years, and several generations of children met their ends on bloody battlefields. When it finally ended, the elven peoples were scattered, desolate, and nearly decimated. Many of their greatest city-states had fallen and were ruined. Their people were a fraction of what they had been, and at the root of it all lay hubris and wounded pride.
    This war, however, had a much greater impact than even the near-extinction of the elves. This fact served as a catalyst to change their very natures and societies, as a whole. The mu xiao recognized that, due to their long lives and memories, that allowing their emotions free reign was a danger that could have truly horrific consequences. Therefore, they reshaped the very ways in which they interacted with each other and the outside world. They enacted strict and rigid rules of social conduct and hierarchy to be followed by all. So that never again could slighted pride lead to another War of Tears.
    The kawa yosei, on the other hand, recognized that their insular natures and naive adherence to logic had allowed their people to be drawn into a conflict not their own. They fell back into the ways of their own inner natures as water spirits. To flow with the world around them, to never stay in a fixed pattern. To adapt and adjust themselves to their surrounding. To be like water again. To be able to see, and flow through, the cracks and to never again be trapped in an untenable situation.
    The kitsune yosei had, paradoxically, suffered the most and the least during this war. While they had, indeed, been drawn into the battles and skirmishes the same as their brothers and sisters of the rivers, their losses had come more often from within. A great many of the fox spirits had been driven insane by the sheer number of ghostly voices crying out for revenge or succor. Many of these wound up taking their own lives in a desperate bid to make the voices stop. Others still, were cut down for their temerity in deigning to speak with the voices of the dead. The fox folk learned their lessons in blood, as well. For while they could do nothing to change their very natures, they could change how they went about applying the lessons of the dead. They took a page from the books of their yokai cousins and began using trickery and deceit to get those lessons across. They began living on the outskirts of human civilizations, in fortified communal structures, using pranks to dam the tide of pride and hubris of their social "betters". To ensure that unwarranted pride would never again take that toll on their people.
    Unlike the others, the tanuki elves were not drawn into the war against their will. Their numbers were too few for the more numerous groups to take much notice, while the tanuki elves' own stubborn independence would not allow it. Instead, the hao xiao entered the war where and when they wanted to for their own devices. Whether that was for status, coin, or to keep their own, small enclaves safe from the depredations of the more numerous races. Their inborn traits made them excellent agents provocateurs where they played fairly significant roles on every side in espionage, subterfuge, guerilla tactics, and, most often, as information brokers.
    It's said that the tanuki elves suffered the least because of the elven civil wars. It's said because, of all the races, they were the least changed and lost the least amount of their own people. However, it could be said that they continue to suffer into the modern day due to their own actions during the wars. Most of the other elves look upon them with distrust, at the very least, or even outright disgust. The only ones to have really kept up relations with them are their cousins, the kitsune, and that was mostly because the kitsune never really entered the war to begin with. Though, they still don't trust the tanuki as far as they could throw them.
    Genetic Ancestor(s)
    Asian, Nature Spirit
    1000 years
    Average Height
    Mu Xiao - 5.8 - 6 ft
    Kawa Yosei - 4.5 - 5.5 ft
    Kitsune Yosei - 4.5 - 5.5 ft
    Hao Xiao - 4.0 - 5.0 ft
    Average Weight
    Mu Xiao - 100 - 130 lbs
    Kawa Yosei - 90 - 100 lbs
    Kitsune Yosei - 90 - 100 lbs
    Hao Xiao - 80 - 95 lbs
    Average Physique
    Elves tend to be leaner and less massive than the average human.
    Related Organizations

    Elf Traits

    Starting Attributes - +2 Grace, +1 Elegance
    Alignment - Determined by ethnic group.
    Qi Sight - allows for vision in near-perfect darkness, as well as the ability to see the qi meridians which flow the natural world and all living beings. Only one or the other at a time. Requires 2 Qi points to use this ability.
    Starting Qi: +4
    Ethnicities - There are 4 ethnic groups of elves within the world. Choose one of those groups:
    Mu Xiao - Descended from wood spirits, these elves have a strict code of conduct.
    • Ability Score Increase: Diligence and Patience scores increase by 1.
    • Perfect Control: +1 Skill point in Decorum.
    • Kodama's Child: As beings descended from the spirits of plants and trees, the Mu Xiao have a special connection with plant matter. By spending 3 Qi Points, they may shape a piece of wood or living plant life into nearly any simple shape or form they desire. The wooden piece or object may not be any bigger than themselves. If used on a tree, they may bend individual branches or small sections, but not the whole of the tree. The wood elves create their homes, buildings, and many everyday objects using this technique.
    • Starting Face: +3
    Kawa Yosei - Descended from water spirits, they are more apt to go with the flow.
    • Ability Score Increase: Acuity and Passion scores go up by 1.
    • Water Spirit: Can remain immersed in water without the need to breathe for 24 hours. While in water, your swimming speed equals your Fleetness rating.
    • Worldly: +1 to Entertain.
    • Starting Face: +4
    Kitsune Yosei - Descended from fox spirits, they live on the fringes of society.
    • Ability Score Increase: Acuity and Grace scores increase by 1.
    • Sly: +1 to Skulk Art.
    • Dead Gaze: Instead of the usual Qi Sight abilities which other elves get, kitsune yosei can see the dark energies of Yomi where they permeate the world. She may use her Sight to peek into the world of Yomi itself to see and speak with the inhabitants. While doing so she is completely unaware of the material world. As a drawback, however, the restless dead are almost irresistibly drawn to the fox spirits, whether this be for assistance or more malign purposes is up to the individual ghost.
    • Starting Face: +1
    Hao Xiao - Descended from raccoon dogs, these elves are lively, but generally at odds with their fox counterparts.
    • Ability Score Increase: Vigor and Passion scores go up by 1.
    • Master of Disguise: +1 to Costume Art.
    • Starting Face: +2


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