Weapon Legacy in the S.L.E. Tradition / Ritual in Shards of Midnight | World Anvil
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Weapon Legacy in the S.L.E.

Within the S.L.E., reverence to one's elders is shown via what weapons are used. If one was trained by a specific leader of one of the branches, gained a bond, or was in a great battle with them, it's common for them to take up their same weapon or something similar to show respect.

The Iudices
Head Commander Comstock - The Scythe
Commander Nieven Vangard - Bow and Arrow
Commander Nikita Zima - Ice Magic
Commander Isa - The Greatsword

The Sacellum
High Priest Saetbyeol Song - The Spear
Overseer Rohan Aradhya - Fire Magic
Lady Elisven Vangard - The Arming Sword

Note that within the Natthaxor and Alithea, very rarely are combat secrets shared. The higher-ups of the Natthaxor only teach their apprentices and it has become more and more secretive what the archaeologists of the Alithea do.
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