Lucia Character in Shardfall | World Anvil
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Paramount Chancellor Lucia Collegos, of Parethra

One of the most powerful human magicians alive, and a candidate for one of the most powerful ever, Lucia has been the Chancellor of the College of Magic in Altruis for over fifty years. From a lowly upbringing, to one of the most influencial figures in Altruis, Lucia is a role model for many young magicians, particularly girls. She has a reputation for being insightful, and stubborn, never letting something go until she reaches a satifactory conclusion. She is close to one hundred years old, a good age even for those blessed with magical abilities, and the politicking to determine who her successor will be is well underway.
"Am I powerful? What makes someone powerful? Magical talent? Political influence? Wealth? I have all of these, although I started with none of them, yet I am still mortal, and my aged body will one day fail. Despite everything we do as magicians, we still cannot beat the inevitable arrival of our mortality."
- Paramount Lucia

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

All magicians, particularly those with access to Water Elemental magic (either themselves, or a fellow practitioner) live long lives and enjoy good health, Lucia is no exception. At almost a hundred years old, she is fully active, with no apparent physical concerns. She makes off-hand complaints about being 'old' and her 'sore joints', but those who know her know that this isn't serious, and typically used to put younger people off guard.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early life

  No one knows Lucia's birthplace, or who her family were, not even Lucia herself. She was left as a foundling at the Guild of Merchants in Parethra, a coastal town in the west of Altruis, who handed her over to an orphanage associated with the goddess Maluka. When she reached eleven years of age, her magical abilities began to manifest and at first she attempted to hide them, but when most of the orphanage was burnt down, it became impossible to conceal her talents any longer. She acknowledged her gifts and was taken to the College of Magic in Altruis.  


As with all new arrivals at the college, Lucia's was first assigned a mentor, who subjected her to the processes that supressed her powers and rendered them 'safe', only then was she assigned the status of Novice, and allowed to join the rest of the college. As a Lava Elemental, it meant she was capable of both Fire and Earth magics, whilst this gives more power and ability, it also increases the amount a young magic user is expected to learn. Lucia seemed to be a gifted natural, however, and fell into magical academia with ease.
"By all the gods, she has some power. I was barely able to install the block. Mark my words, this young one will go far"
- Grandmaster Antiochus
Her unusual early life made her a bit of a target of some of the more narrow-minded staff and students at the college, but instead of intimidating her, it merely encouraged her to do better, to one day beat those who saw her as less than them. Her mentor, Grandmaster Antiochus, did his best to shield her from the worst of the prejustice from the faculty, as he was well aware that this young foundling has tremendous magical potential. At the age of 15, younger than most, she was judged to be competent enough to have some more of her power released, and she graduated with the status of Adept.  


Lucia in her late teens
by Xah by HeroForge
Upon graduation, a lot of Adepts leave the College and attempt to settle into a 'normal' existence. Having only meagre power, it was sufficient that they learn control, and not much more. Lucia chose to remain at the College to receive further education, although it was implied by Antiochus that there was no real choice in the matter; her talents were significant enough that without further training, there was a risk they might one day consume her. By now, her growing abilities had all but eliminated any lingering prejudice at the College, and her tutors were, for the most part, keen to teach this remarkable woman. Most Adepts took between five and eight years to learn enough control and skill to progress onwards, but Lucia obtained her promotion to Journeyman in only four. Whilst she received signficant praise for this acheivement, at her promotion ceremony she publically pointed out that she had received more individual training than most other students. The implication that some just wished to be associated with a rising star, and that all students might excel were the faculty more enthusiastic. This perceived slight to the teaching staff rackled many, but others admired her honesty in the matter.  


Magic users who become Journeyman typically have no problems finding work; merchants, nobles, authorities and all manner of persons and groups wish to employ a fully trained magician, particularly those with more than one elemental influence. Lucia's young age and reputation meant that she literally had no end of offers, from some quite prestigious sources. She amazed everyone by taking an offer on a merchant ship that plied the cross-strata route between Altruis and Myrmis, a seemingly safe position that someone of her talents was considered wasted on. She only made one trip, as soon as the vessel arrived in Myrmis, she absconded and was not heard from again for another four years.  


"We don't know where she's been, or who she's been with. For all we know, she's been consorting with non-humans, becoming corrupted by their exotic ways. To grant her Master status, and allowing her access to more of her power would be disastrous, not only for this College, but for Altruis, and all humanity!"
- Grandmaster Peritas
Whilst rumours reached the ears of the faculty of the College about a young, powerful lava elemental working in the hinterlands beyond Myrmis, they were still surprised when she turned up at the College one day and demanded ascension to Master level. As with all who wished to progress, she was tested, and her magic was as powerful as ever, and seemingly ready to burst out of her, despite the blocks. Some advised caution; no one knew what she'd been doing for the last four years, and there was much the College did not know about magic and how it was used amongst other peoples. Antiochus, now vice-chancellor of the College, reminded the faculty that despite their misgiving, she had tremendous potential and to refuse her might cause more issues. By a narrow margin, it was agreed to allow her to progress, and after undergoing the appropriate rituals, her status as Master was confirmed.
  Lucia was not content with being just a Master, and elected to remain at the College to do research, and to help teach new generations of magic users. Over the next eight years she displayed a remarkable insight into the very workings of magic, making significant contributions and any lingering suspicions about her time away was forgotten in the work she did for the College. Some minor voices raised the potential that perhaps some of her insights came from non-human sources, discovered in her years away, but those voices never held much sway and were relegated to the jealousy and politics. The opportunity for her to be raised to Grandmaster was bittersweet, as it saw the death of her old friend and mentor Antiochus, but there was never any doubt as to her readiness, and at age 31 she became the youngest magician since the College was founded to become a Grandmaster.  


Few expected Lucia to sit still, even after her elevation to almost the top of the magical hierarchy. She continued with her research, and took more interest in the mentoring and teaching of new magicians, becoming somewhat of a favourite amongst students for her fair, yet stern personality, and having a soft spot for those she saw a little bit of herself in. Her powers continued to grow, and talk began about the potential for a new Paramount magician, something rarely seen, and having only occurred a dozen times since human history began. If Lucia was pushing for this, it was impossible to tell as she seemed content in her chosen role, but her rise in the ranks of the college bureaucracy was not unexpected. By the time she was 40, she was the vice-chancellor to an older and less powerful Clay Elemental magician whose administrative skills far exceeded his magical talents. She might not have been working towards the top spot, but no one doubted she would probably get it.   The speculation was proven right when in her 45th year, Chancellor Xenokrates died unexpectedly. There was a brief meeting of the College faculty to appoint a successor, but with no dissenting voices and many supporters, Lucia was made the new Chancellor; the youngest in its history. She settled into her role quietly, and outwardly there was no changes, although some of the more traditional city authorities were a little puturbed at the thought of someone from such a lowly upbringing taking charge of the most powerful institution in Altruis.   Firmly in place as the de facto ruler of all the magicians in Altruis, and some would say beyond, Lucia announced her intention to be classified as a Paramount magician, the top echelon of magic users, and a feat that very few have ever managed. The trouble with this is that it usually requires the power of a magician of the level at which one wishes to ascend to to release the now deeply embedded inhibitions within the candidate. There was only one known human Paramount magician still alive, Astrabacus The Deep, a Storm Elemental, who had left the College a decade ago and had not been seen since. He would be 86 years old if still alive, a good age for a magician. Handing day to day control of the College over to her vice-Chancellor, Lucia gathered a small team of skilled magicians and left to seek Astrabacus out.   Their quest took almost two years, but when Lucia returned, it was clear her power had grown. Other magicians could detect a palpable aura around her and her confidence, already strong, had grown even more. When asked about Astrabacus, Lucia only mentioned that he completed her ascension, but sadly died not long after. Of the five other magicians who went with her, only two returned, and they steadfastly refused to discuss what happened. The fate of the other three was classified as 'misadventure'.  


With her status as the most powerful magician alive secure, and in control of the most powerful magical institution, some might have been concerned about ulterior motives, but Lucia has done nothing out of the ordinary. She devolves most of the adminstration of the College to those with better skills at it that she has, and spends most of her time teaching and mentoring students much like before. She takes an active role in assessment of new recruits, offering personal mentorship to those with significant potential. Lucia herself was the first Paramount in the College in almost thirty years, but since her chancellorship began she has overseen the ascension of four others.
"No one with potential should have to struggle to realise it as much as I did. I promise that any magician with the talent will find it fully realised under my leadership, and make sure it continues this way as my legacy."
- Chancellor Lucia


Undefined. Linked with prominent individuals of all genders


Like all magic users, Lucia received a comprehensive education at the College of Magic during her Novice years, and then expanded on that during her training as an Adept. She has remained tightlipped about the exact nature of what she learnt during her 'lost' years abroad, but clearly learnt new techniques and mysteries, which she put into good use in her time as a Master, teaching and researching. Throughout her entire life, she has never stopped learning, believing it is important for magicians to push the boundary between what is known, and what is not known.
Current Status
Chancellor of the Altruis College of Magic
Year of Birth
528 AA 99 Years old
One green, one red
171 cm
62 kg
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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Character Portrait image: Paramount Lucia by Xah, via HeroForge


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