Volaris Character in Sharax Empire | World Anvil
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Divine Domains

Strength and Honor

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The two swords on upwards and one down.   The one upward stands for honor and the one down stands for strength.   Honor, which can only be judged by the heavens.   Strenght, not only physical, but also mental strenght is a heavy burden.

Tenets of Faith

The Temple of Volaris, which stands in a whole park that exists out of black, white and gray plants. Included the Volaris Trees, which are standing on both sides of the path that leads towards the temple. The doors are always open, for all walks of life.   For members of secular society, it is costume to go at least once towards the temple to pay the Goddess their respects. But there they will be judged by the Goddess herself. Most of the time, second sons of a Major, or Minor family will join her cleric.   When a family is being PURGED, the whole family gets excommunicated, and the members that joined the cleric are thrown out. This because the family lost all their honor in the eyes of the Goddess. It is often the Voice of Volaris that signs the PURGE warrant. Dorian Eldar signed the warrant for House Giora. But it those happen that other members of the cleric sign.
Divine Classification

Cover image: by Nightcafe
Character Portrait image: by Nightcafe


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