Avarin Lark Character in Shadows' Nocturne | World Anvil

Avarin Lark

The Scion of Life and Moonstone Prince of the Faery Avarin Jameson Lark (a.k.a. Rin)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As with nearly all faery, whether he likes it or not, Avarin is fit and lovely.  He takes relatively good care of himself, though he's on the lean and willowy side rather than defined and strong.

Identifying Characteristics

Avarin is almost never without the thick, brown, leather wrist cuffs that obscure the scars of many of his cuts and suicide attempts.  He also has lines of scars that run up both sides of his ribs from cutting, and a mess of scars over his abdomen from trouble when he worked with Doctors Without Boarders and when he was taken by Morgan.

Special abilities

As the Scion of Life, Avarin has command over extremely powerful healing magic and all living things.  Avarin's magic as the Moonstone Prince of the Faery are much more esoteric, centering around the manipulation of light.

Apparel & Accessories

Avarin has an easy and semi-casual style, enjoying button down shirts, jeans, and scarves.

Specialized Equipment

He almost always has his backpack full of emergency medical equipment with him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

First born of Jameson and Kay Lark, Avarin spent his first few years of life in New York City where both of his parents were college professors in the sciences.  Looking to get out of the city and live a different kind of life, the Larks moved their little family to Montana upon learning that their second child, a daughter, was on the way.

Life at Lark Farm was idyllic.  Avarin grew up surrounded by love and hard work.  Extended family in his paternal grandmother and the many farm workers and students who came to learn and work with the Larks gave him a life full of happiness and prosperity.  Despite this, Avarin was always somewhat shy and often kept to himself.  He liked long rides out on the range and voraciously consumed books on all manor of subjects.  

His best friend was always his little sister.  If withdrawn, she could always bring him out of his shell.  They were close as siblings could be and so when she was diagnosed with leukemia when he was thirteen it was devastating. She fought her best and it was during this time that Avarin really began to struggle with occasional self harm in the form of cutting.  He was fifteen when things around him began to change just as his sister started to get much worse, and he Awoke as the Moonstone Prince of the Faery just a few short months before she finally lost her fight and died.

Avarin was inconsolable, falling into a deep depression and he tried to kill himself at least twice in the first few months after her loss.  Not only was he struggling to control the magic that now burned in him, but it was something he did not want.  He withdrew from school and his parents feared that they would lose their son too.  It was almost a year before he began to speak to anyone again and resume his studies at school.  

His senior year, young at sixteen, was hard for Avarin. He struggled to control his magic and emotions, with no faery nearby to help coach him through the often painful process of his Awakening.  There was an incident where he destroyed the school gymnasium, though there was never any proof it was him.  No one was killed, though several students were badly hurt, and it was after that Avarin withdrew completely from public school and finished his schooling at home.  

Heartsick, frustrated, and isolated, Avarin threw himself into remote college classes and finished his bachelors in record time.  It was also during these years that the Avatar of Life, Tearlin, began to visit the Lark Farm to take the young prince under his wing and help him cope with his newfound powers.  He introduced Avarin to some other faery and helped him understand more about himself.  It was also during this time that he asked the lost young man to become his Scion, the right hand of Life itself.  At first, Avarin turned him down, but by the time he was eighteen he had agreed and so took on that mantle as well as that of being a prince of the faery.  

Looking to change his surroundings and move closer to where there were more faery to support him, and to be closer to Tearlin's home, Avarin enrolled in medical school in upstate New York where he finally found a group of friends and met Einrich Miller who later became his boyfriend and Raven.

For several years Avarin's life was mostly school, friends, and learning his place as the Scion of Life and what it meant to him to be a faery prince, a roll from which he almost entirely shied.  He found the magical and manipulative faery too much for him, their games and beauty masks for cruelty and a few bad encounters led him to become bitter about Faerie and any idea of Court life or taking a more active roll in their society.  He buried himself in his duties to Life and his relationships.  It was also during these years that Avarin properly came to understand that he was on the asexual scale, being one who enjoyed romance and affection, but didn't really experience physical desire the same way as others.  

After dating for three years, Einrich and Avarin broke up, though they worked through it and remained friends and Raven and Scion.  This was particularly hard on Avarin and his friends kept a close eye on him, fearing he might become suicidal again as happened from time to time. Often he gave too much of himself at work and it was a constant struggle between saving enough for himself and fulfilling his place as Scion.  Tearlin spent a great deal of time with him and helped him as best as he could, but having never been human, even the avatar struggled to support Avarin fully.  

Though he often felt inadequate, Avarin became a cornerstone of the faery and supernatural community of his area, helping to save the Mistress of the House of Night and becoming good friends with the heir of House Sinclaire, Noah Sinclaire.  He was part of those who began to understand that Morgan le Fae was a hand in much of the trouble in the supernatural world over the last few decades, and his skill as a healer saved many lives. At one point, he was taken captive and tortured extensively, a trauma that left scars and emotional damage that he did his best to hide.  

Pivotal in helping to save the Scion of Death and her lovers, he helped to sever Morgan from her anchor and stop the magic that would have shattered the Veil and done irreparable damage to the human realm and Faerie alike.  None was done without cost, however, as Einrich died to protect him during the Battle of Avalon and Avarin is now struggling to recover from wounds within.


Avarin is homosexual and considered gray asexual


Public and home schooled through high school
graduated college with a PhD in medicine


Works at the university hospital
volunteers at several clinics

Mental Trauma

Avarin suffers from occasional bouts of extreme depression that result in suicidal ideation and self harm in the form of cutting. He was tortured by Morgan le Fae's people and terribly hurt.  He has night terrors because of it sometimes.  Most of Avarin's friends look at him as emotionally fragile.

Intellectual Characteristics

Avarin has a photographic memory and is very smart.  He thrives when he can be intellectually challenged and reads all the time.

Morality & Philosophy

Avarin, as the Scion of Life, wishes well for all.  He takes his oath to Do No Harm to heart and as faery, cannot break it.

Personality Characteristics


Avarin is an inherently compassionate and driven person.  He believes that those with the power to do good have also the responsibility to do.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Avarin is not very good at standing up for himself and tends to let people walk all over himself.


Social Aptitude

Avarin is friendly, but can be soft spoken and shy, with the exception of when he is working.  He is somewhat introverted and takes time to warm up to people.

Wealth & Financial state

Avarin comes from a certain amount of privilege because his parents worked hard and were well educated.  He has never really known financial hardship, though he doesn't take that for granted and tries to live frugally and within his own means.  He doesn't drive fancy cars or have a big place, but what he owns is nice and he has never hurt for money.
Current Status
Recovering after the Battle of Avalon
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Scion of Life
Moonstone Prince of the Faery
Doctor Lark
Date of Birth
November 13th
New York City
Current Residence
Recovering in Italy
Color shifting blue
shoulder length, strawberry blonde/ginger and straight with a slight wave.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale skin
185lbs of lithe grace
Known Languages
English and Spanish


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