Fort Lewis Geographic Location in Shadowrun: Seattle 2050 | World Anvil
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Fort Lewis

Fort Lewis or Fort Lewis Military Reservation houses the Seattle Metroplex Guard, McChord Airfield and UCAS Army Pacific Command. It's a major UCAS training base, and houses many military and military related personel, projects and affiliates. In some ways Fort Lewis functions as extraterritorial property, but under the control of the UCAS military instead of a megacorporation.   This district is also known for large number of wilderness areas.


Fort Lewis is bordered by Tacoma to the north, Puyallup to the east, Puget Sound to the west, and Salish-Shidhe Council to the south.  


Fort Lewis is sparsely populated.  


This district is governed by a military appointed official. Since 2045 the District Mayor was Col. Winston Gajeway.  


Fort Lewis economy is centered around catering to its military garrison.  


Nature preserves is the primary cultural attraction of the area.  

Lone Star Security Ratings

This district is patrolled by Lone Star, the Metroplex Guard and the UCAS Military Police (jurisdictions are in dispute). The Metroplex Guard and the UCAS Military Police consider each area to be at a security rating one rating higher than Lone Star’s rating.  
  • AA: Spanaway Lake Housing (Officer Housing)
  • A: Bridgeport, Grey and Madigan Housing (military housing), Parkland (non-military housing)
Contrary to popular expectations, Fort Lewis is not a heavily guarded, impenetrable installation. With many of its facilities, such as the Zoological Gardens, open to the public, it cannot afford to be inaccessible. Perimeter security for the reservation consists of a single chain-link fence, topped with a roll of barbed concertina wire and occasionally patrolled by the military police. Security is considerably tighter along the border with the Salish-Shidhe Council, however, where the military uses reinforced barriers and armed Metroplex Guardsmen in scout vehicles and military helicopters.   Within Fort Lewis, security levels vary for different sites, depending on public access and each site’s importance or sensitivity to national security. For most of Fort Lewis, security is roughly analogous to downtown Seattle.
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