Claiomh Solais Item in Shadowrun: Englewood | World Anvil

Claiomh Solais

Claiomh Solais is an artifact from the Fourth Age of magic, taken from one of the lords of Tir Tairngire, who was killed by Aztechology. Presemably, both of these groups still seek the blade, even though it is now in the hands of Little Earth.   This artifact takes the shape of a falcata (a curved sword with a weighted end meant for chopping attacks). It is inhabited by a free spirit that shares the name of the blade. The artifact itself appears to be a powerful combination focus and acts as both a Rating 6 power focus and a Rating 6 weapon focus.   The rituals needed to bond this focus can only be performed by an elf - a demand set by Claiomh Solais. Before allowing the possessor to even attempt the ritual, the sprit of the sword will demand that the one wishing to bind it enter into a spirit pact with him. In addition to wanting the possessor to sacrifice 24 Karma to him to bind the pact (that is, in addition to what it would take to bind the focus), Claiomh Solais also demands that the binder be of perfectly sound body and mind. Any physical imperfections can only be fixed with pure silver replacements. Anyone with Addiction, Allergy, Bad Luck, Combat Paralysis, Infirm, Scorched, Spirit Bane (Guardian Spirits), Weak Immune System, Cursed, Focus Addiction, AIPS, Amnesia, Asthma, Mental Handicap, Pacifist, Paraplegic, Quadriplegic, Reduced (Sense), or any negative mental qualities do not meet the standards to bind the artifact.   The sword will note will also note to the person wanting to bind Claiomh Solais that there are many other powers it has, that he will reveal to his master.
This city is nothing special. My legend is far more impressive than anything that has ever happened here.


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