Run Overview Template Plot in Shadowland | World Anvil

Run Overview Template

This first section introduces the run. It explains who contacts the runners, where they go for the meeting, who they meet with, and what details they are given about the job offer. This doesn't go into full details of the job, just what they're told before they agree. More details follow in another section, underneath the Johnson section.   Esse quia exequi, duis'ab dis ad ac iuramento et qui Placida, w diutius magni enim. Mus mus si quam quae magni nam te option est ante, sed sem. Se dui ea ea augue, et capere. Ab potiorue leo est id mi forsan m Quae Quasi, nec te noviciam si error abundanlia. Me aut Habetis autem si quos w jormavit ipsa iste aut eum, et neminern dui te vacare neque.

Name of the Johnson

A gender
Birth Year
Contact type
The Johnson's background, to explain where they're coming from. What made them who they are, and what are they? The second paragraph touches on more recent history: What happened that led them to offer the job, and what are they really up to? Can't expect a Johnson to always tell the full truth, so what is really going on here?   Ac incendia fruges noverca ullo eros id est Nunc sed nostris ac nisi Pinguem Elit, id cantum ante ullo dui eaque aut y dis pullus. Futurum et arcu eros netus ti, aut Nuntios minus ut vestra Clades Suspendisse, hic Nunc emolumentum est aut sunt. Ac hac d cras ab renasci mi earum Surdis'm orci, per Eget te sunt aut non'm scelerum te quia debile supremum. Quos uidem occurent at fuga eu aut maneant.

The Run
The full goal of the run, with the target info and a few means how to get there. This isn't the full run, it's just what the runners are told to do, and how they can take care of it. Once they're on site, well, no job ever goes as planned. But that is in another section, this section focuses on what the players have to do first.   Ad tempor Diebus, qui superue illo quae ut suspitionis dui rem quo wisi m sem ut quasi. Pede sed intellegit dominus est augusti, pede corpore nemo ad non magna vel Dignos et activus tempor aut potiorue, ab te iactantia, ea videre est zzril ea'm nomina. Justo orci dis iusto eaque ea est, quia unde te facer dui te w decembris mi eros dui usus.
Real identity
Job Type
See SR6 p20-21
Who the runners face
Base Rewards
# Karma
Word on the street
"Some applicable quotes that set the mood for the run. Perhaps background rumours that play a role in the run."
"Or maybe some foreshadowing. Might also be a quote from the actual run itself, from one of the NPCs."
"Eos Arcu nec assum silentium id incusando alias saecula. M unde iure vel optio iriure et leo Solenni."
"Quod wo ante est quo. Per Magni Proper specie d Quam per, lius nicolae at quam s filiis nibh. Parum usus se manebimus. Leo li?"

The Complications
So what causes trouble? Is there a sudden act of betrayal? An extra unexpected layer of security? Maybe the run goes perfect, and then there's an additional step that suddenly has to be taken? This section covers the plot twist, explaining what the runners unexpectedly have to face, and what happens once they manage to complete the job.   Arcu dis rhoncus quae iure tot vel conflictus est leo specie poenam, est Dextris modeste ullo ex modo et mollis congue, belgos quae mus palestram misteria. Minim ea quas est bonorum eos eaque modi ab vitae rem, se appareat qui intentione, odio lorem urna Patres.
The Aftermath
Runners don't operate in a vacuum, so obviously afterwards some form of story will hit the streets. This section summarises the things the runners may find out, but also explains to the GM what happens behind the scenes. Who knows/did what afterwards?   Bannis qui aenean, dui Quas mus Nominum Ille modo ea sunt wisi totam populo enim rem praepostere. Esse probitas wisi subiungam nonummy hac rcpublica, nec quo quam lius oportunitatis p profes ordinum dcfensio te Viscera. Opiniones, aut Offensa te peripateticis nostris, alias vero nulla se'li pede dui nihil ea si Negabat.


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Feb 2, 2022 19:33 by Diane Morrison

This is a fantastic template for the purpose! I intend to steal it myself. Thank you!

Author of the Wyrd West Chronicles and the Toy Soldier Saga. Mother of Bunnies, Eater of Pickles, Friend of Nerds, First of her Name.
Feb 2, 2022 19:40 by Michael Chandra

(☆`• ω •´)b   Poke me if you want an exact copy. It's a simple structure, I only used container:col-md-4/6/8 and quote/aloud blocks.

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young