Okudi, Tooth of the Devourer Character in Shadowfire | World Anvil

Okudi, Tooth of the Devourer

Herald of Destruction

Okudi emerged at the zenith of the Godling Wars, became the dread champion of Ghul Drazul and herald of the coming Destruction.   As the many Godlings were subsumed into each other and their cults combined, Okudi emerged triumphant. They were the manifestation of all the greed and corruption that had driven the long fall of the Stoneforged Assembly into decadence and disarray. The cults of celebrities and the petty warlords had brought it into being unwittingly, and each of them in turn became enthralled by it.   The Heroes of The Cabal resisted the rise of Okudi. Through their struggles against it, uncovered the long hidden machinations of Ghul Drazul that had driven the fall of the Assembly.   At he beginning of the events that culminated in the Destruction, Okudi and its many followers were responsible for the rituals that sought to undo the bindings that protected the world from the full wrath of the Elder Gods trapped beyond the Astral Sea. The rituals saw the utter ruination of the great city of Old Lafealle, n the place now known as Uferbrech.   Vorca Kinsculo, the mighty stoneforged warrior and hero of the Cabal, fought long with Okudi as the towers of Old Lafaelle fell around them, and the waters of the ocean crashed in upon them. Most of the Heroes fled to do battle with the awakening Ghul Drazul far to the West, while Thulaya shepherded survivors into Refuge and none saw the final fate of Vorca or Okudi as the churning maelstrom engulfed them both.   While the Church of the Trinity teaches that Vorca slew Okudi in the ruins of Old Lafaelle, many believe that Okudi, while weakened, still survives and seeks retribution against the Returned who helped thwart its plans.

Divine Domains

Okudi is the embodiment of pure gluttony, greed, decadence and self-interest.


Myths tell that Okudi would grow huge sinewy nets from its own flesh, weighted down by boney teeth and cast them off to snare and smother hundreds of people at a time.   Modern worshippers of Okudi craft similar weapons from dark magic rituals, known as Nets of the Devourer to bind, restrict and leach the strength from their foes.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A circle that represents and open mouth, filled with inward pointing teeth, and a radial mesh that represents a net, or web.

Tenets of Faith

  • There is no greater purpose other than to devour or be devoured.
  • The weak exist to feed the strong.
  • All things exist to feed Okudi.
  • Okudi will reward those who feed it well.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Hidden worship has slowly returned in secret across the lands of Twilight, through isolated cults and warlock followers who call themselves the Teeth of the Devourer. They seek personal power and to subsume others to their will. Through this they hope to be subsumed themselves into the risen glory of Ghul Drazul.   The followers each believe that they themselves are the chosen champion of Okudi and are unaware of any of the others. They gather followers, duping them into giving of their faith and magical energies.   People across the lands of Shadowfire who actively seek personal wealth and power over others, will keep effigies to Okudi as their patron. This includes assassins and slavers from the League of Shadows and many ruthless merchants who will not hesitate to hurt others for their own gain.   Superstitious folk across The Protectorates will often pay casual tribute to Okudi in the hope of being spared from future reprisals or the thralldom of others. These minor acts unwittingly contribute to he slow growth of Okudi's power and influence.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Records from the time of The Godlings Wars that survived into Refuge depict Okudi as a huge bloated figure of fatty, rolling flesh, puckered by blisters, and dripping with a vile sweat. Their form would belch fumes and be surrounded by billowing trails of sickly sweet smoke.
Divine Classification
Elder God Avatar


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Dec 19, 2021 10:15 by Chi

Awesome article. Really peeks the interest of the world, the whole part of Okudi still might be alive. Love that stuff