Knotted Stone in Shadar | World Anvil

Knotted Stone

Black, ephemeral mist seeps out of every crack and crevice of chunks of Knotted Stone, almost dripping out like a soaked sponge as it floats in the air, untethered by gravity.   Knotted Stone is a term in reference to a chunk of deep stone that has been completely infused with magic from the Shadeweave during The Breaking. It has a host of natural properties that stem from this infusion, the most important of which being that Knotted Stone floats indefinitely and appears to be unaffected by normal properties of gravity. This is a resource that can be found at the core of every Fractal and is the reason that Fractals remain afloat in the infinite skies of the realm.   While there are those in the Holy Kingdom of Shar that have tried to recreate Knotted Stone through practice of the Shadeweave, all efforts of this kind have been unsuccessful - as it appears to require a near-divine level of power to infuse natural material in this way, accomplished only by Shar.  


At the end of the Age of Darkness, the first Skyship designs by Brigid Haldr was the first recorded use of Knotted Stone to create floating crafts. While removal of the stone in small chunks led to a dispersal of the infused magic - by cutting and refining large chunks of Knotted Stone, people were able to construct flying vehicles. Many cite the creation of Skyships to mark the end of the Age of Darkness and herald in the Imperial Age - and to this day, Knotted Stone is one of the most valuable resources in the world for its uses in creating Skyships.   The most prominent mines of Knotted Stone in the modern world are in settlements under the control of the Valedori Empire like Port Sunder, Reyk's Fallow, and outside Fort Ramsgate in the Nimbus Sea. While there are some mines outside New Emeria and Thebes in the Holy Kingdom of Shar, they keep many of their stores of Knotted Stone hidden - and the Diaspora Fractals remain relatively un-mined by comparison. Knotted Stone is a limited resource, and one of the dangers of over-mining it can be a destabilization of the Fractal that is being mined.  


This concentration of Shadeweave magic infused into the land is what created the Undead at the start of the Age of Darkness and continuously raises any dead creature into an Undead husk if they are not quickly burned after death - leading to a need of “cleansing” Fractals before settling them.   Particularly rich sources of Knotted Stone have been recorded to be found at the cores of large Fractals. These cores, sometimes referred to as “knots”, are especially powerful sources of Shadeweave magic and are extremely volatile and dangerous - in some cases creating creatures from shadow whole-cloth, which are called “Nightwalkers”.

Cover image: by Daryl Mandryk