Gods in Shadar | World Anvil


When people speak of the Gods, they are often referring to the Gods of the Age of Antiquity - those that made the Saints thousands of years ago. These gods are only spoken of in whisper, for through history there are examples of their wrath manifest - speaking to infinite and unknowable power. So much so that the names of these Gods have been lost to time. Now they exist only as concepts, immense domains that make up the metaphysical thought of all of the realms at once. To be able to know one would stretch the breaking-point of the mind, and legend says that to speak their name would make you known to them - allowing them to appear before you with either life-changing boon or life-ending wrath.   Instead of trying to grasp at these beings, modern faith and religion follow the Saints - much more easily understood and with greater record of their detail and person. These near-deific individuals themselves represent a pathway to know a God. To follow in the footsteps of one who was chosen is to better know the God and build Devotion to them. Devotion is at the core of all faith, regardless of the God or deity followed - as through the ideals and acts of virtue, one shows that they walk in the path of faith.  


Little beyond sparse detail is known about the ancient Gods of the Age of Antiquity, and what little is known about their ideals and virtues are passed down through their chosen Saints. There are theories that the Gods themselves do not all get along, with theological divisions seeming to appear between some whose domains seem at odds with each other - creating opposite pairs or small groupings. Though the accuracy of these theories has little confirmation. The known Gods of this pantheon include:  
  • The Blind God, whose Saints seek justice and strength, followed by those who value a singular truth and vengeance for wrongs.
  • The Bisected God, whose Saints are two-faced, embracing the duality of truth and the dynamics of life and fate that ebb and flow.
  • The Still God, whose Saints see the balance in the world and revere stillness as holy, observing the beauty of both life and death.
  • The Restless God, whose Saints are in constant motion, finding truth in change and value travel and movement that alters the world around it.
  • The Cleansing God, whose Saints see truth in purity and light, and are willing to burn away the falsehoods and imperfections in the pursuit of it.
  • The Maker God, whose Saints seek the creation of great works and value raw inspiration and the practiced hands of honest labor.


Beyond these Gods, there are other beings of power that could be seen as gods themselves - though to claim godhood is to incur the wrath of the Gods, something that is known by the sisters Mystra and Shar. These two are perhaps the most well-known and most widely-followed even in the modern day, despite their believed death. Other beings include The Roil of The Dawnite faith and the references to the Giant God, the All-Father, and the Dragon God from the War of the World Tree.   There are also a group of beings of great and evil power from realms beyond that appear to be connected to both devils and demons. While most remain lurking in the shadows of the Veins of Shar in the Holy Land Fractals - Asmodeus has made himself known and available in the Coalition Archipelago.

Cover image: by Daryl Mandryk