Ethereal Sea Geographic Location in Shaar | World Anvil
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Ethereal Sea

The Ethereal Sea touches a few regions of Shaar.   Wishing Well Related The Ethereal Sea is on the Western side of the Azareh map. Shoreline from the sea extends almost all the way Southwest to Northwest cutting a little shy from the top of the map. On the Azareh map the sea sits primarily West on the map, however, zooming further out shows the larger scale of the sea. This sea creates a bay area which is shown on the map, but the majority of sea is to the East of the map (not shown in the Azareh map). In the bay area created West of Azareh peninsula some dangerous entities exist. These dangers both exist in the water and on the other side of the bay which is off the Azareh map. Starting with the land dangers not shown on the map there is the majority of Tordaxx army. This army extends slightly North of Azareh on the other side of the water but still within the boundaries of Antanaska , extends South into the region of Loohg R'ehk and also West into the Dunadaine region. Most of Tordaxx boats also sit in this bay but have not pushed out into the large body of water that is the Ethereal Sea. Crossing the bay is dangerous because of the beasts that live below the depths of the surface. Starting with the fog of war created by Clayborne Jones Ghost Ship and crew, traversing these waters is very dangerous. Another dangerous entity on the water would be Aquaravinus. Passage through the bottom of the bay where the sea touches the most concave part of the land, Aquaravinus is lawless and ruthless to the sailors that attempt passage. The vast area of the bay that is not covered by ghost pirates and a monstrous water beast, is instead inhabited by the water life that lives under the surface in water cities. Many merfolk and other mythical underwater monsters battle for control of the resources under the sea. In several unions of merfolk subdivided into a number of sects, the merfolk attempt to maintain a constant control over the unlawful beasts the reside in the bay.   Outside of the Azareh Bay area control of the Ethereal Sea is fought over by pirates, guard boats protecting fishermen and water monsters alike.


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