Monte Hoya in Seven Tomes | World Anvil

Monte Hoya

Never did I imagine such luminous joy existed, and never again would I be content to remain in the shadows.
— Sue Lynn Tan, Daughter of the Moon Goddess
Monte Hoya is a fresh face in the WA community, having only joined about a month prior to joining the chapter. At the moment, he is working on two projects, both having to do with 'The Autumnal Blade'. He is working on his novel of the same name, having finished the first 50 or so pages. It's a big work in progress and he's had some inspiration rewriting a lot of it, courtesy of an amazing book he's reading (the likes of which can be found in the quote he chose!). He is also working on creating the world that is Hikoku, which is the continent in which his story takes place.
He is most proud of the steps he's taken to rekindle his journey into reading and writing. He's often found himself easily overwhelmed, too stuck on perfection, or too busy jumping from one idea to the next before being able to finish anything. The fact he's remained stuck on his current idea is fantastic. Even more than that is his love for reading having been rekindled by the works of Sue Lynn Tan and his recent venture into Chinese high fantasy.
Author Page
Monte Hoya
Former Member
Join Date
May 31, 2023



The Autumnal Blade

The Autumnal Blade captures the life of a lover, a swordsman, an artist, and dutiful son as Akiyama Shin ventures to claim his identity all while navigating a myriad of hardships. Hikoku has long seen an era of peace, but sudden rebellions take the land by storm and the once peaceful provinces find themselves embroiled in a vicious war. Caught in the middle, who will Shin become?


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