The Blightborn Knights Organization in Seven Seals | World Anvil

The Blightborn Knights

The Brave & Loyal Knights of Lord Godrick, God of War

Created & Written by Khali A. Crawford


33 Divisions made up of 15 Squads (12 Knights), each Division was commanded by a Division Leader who all answered to the Commander, appointed directly by Lord Godrick himself. In the height of their power, the Blightborn Knights numbered about 5,940 Knights. Which was more than enough.


The Blightborn Knights were very much like their Lord, brutish and arrogant but hardy and courageous. They lept into the thick of it, close on the heels Lord Godrick in pursuit of the enemy. Unceasing, unrelenting, unforgiving. Their motto was 'Fearlessly Into the Abyss', and they lived every single part of their lives by it.

Public Agenda

From the flotes of A'kin to the skies of Desronna, we has't faithfully hath followed our l'rd demigod without caterwauling 'r complaint. At which hour H'r Grace hath sent us to wage war with the Svartálfar, we didst so. At which hour the Six Iv'ry Kings did seek absolution, l'rd Godrick hath led us to their lands and we tooketh their Krowns as our owneth. And, anon, our l'rd asks f'r our s'rvice, but once m're; to holdeth backeth the Desolation. And so, we shalt


The Panther Hall

In Essdale, City of Grace & Timber, just below the Citadel, was the castle that belonged to Lord Godrick and his hardy Knights. This was the Panther Hall and was their home for the duration of their service to the God of War. However, after their eternal war in Rytor, this Hall was largely forgotten.  

The Shadowside Keep

In Rytor, the Blightborn Knights were stationed at the remains of a once-great city reconfigured for their purposes, dubbed the Shadowside Keep. It sat built into the side of a steep cliff, expanded upon by the Knights for the duration of their stay in Rytor, which became indefinite.  

Godrick's War Fleet

Lord Godrick was the Son of God and had an impressive aresnel of warships and vessels to match his status. All were managed by his Knights. His flag ship was a heavy battle crusiser dubbed 'The Swift Severity'. The Knights still retained a great number of said ships, including The Swift Severity and made heavy use of them and their Holy Weaponry to combat the Desolation.  

Abyssal Plate Armor

Made from the metaphysical hide of Yaz'iodr'dres of the Ebony Night after it tried to eat Lord Godrick, this plated armor is 'hungry' to consume and it will 'eat' any and all physical / Majikal attacks. However, if the armor is not fed, it will chew away at the user's very SOUL. Some Knights have allowed their armor to eat away at their SOUL which massively boosts the abilities of the armor.


The Blightborn Knights, loyal soldiers of Godrick The Blighted, were founded by His Lordship to be his War Council, fighting close by his side during the Siege of Alphondis when he laid into the land of the Elves. These Knights were never far from their Lord up until the Battle in Rytor during the Great War in Heaven. Godrick and his Knights came upon the Desolation in whole and sought to contain it, locking them in an eternal stalemate with the force of nature. While their Lord had to return to the Throne of Yggdrasil, the Knights held fast in their eternal war with the Desolation.


The last Blighted Knight to stand was Commander Oshrit, the leader of the Order in her Lord's abscence. And she led with courage and bravey, but in the end, each and every single one of her Knights fell. With her forces to combat the Desolation, it would soon escape and wreak havoc on Yggdrasil. And so, in one last act of bravey, Oshrit Van Hymmer dove into the Desolation to do war within, slowing it down yet once again. And thus, the Blightborn Knights were no more.

Fearlessly Into The Abyss

Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Godrick's Knights | Knights of Ebony | The Black Knights
Training Level
Veterancy Level

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armonia (FREE)
  8. Most art is AI generated with
— tab] is not free.

The Shame of the Holy Knights

The Blightborn Knights are not looked on pleasingly by the rest of the Holy Knights, namely because of how reckless and unruly their Lord, Godrick The Blighted, was. They used armor that was deemed taboo and considered the only dark spot of the Heavenly Host.