Setareh CPK History Timeline
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CPK History

The historical timeline of the Confederacy of Planets and Empires. Also contains relevant historical events from its members.

Age of Empires

300 BKC 0 BKC

Before the Confederation, the Setareh Galaxy was ruled by several large empires competing for power. Every time one fell, another would rise in its place.

Anarchal Era

1 AKC 349 AKC

Without imperial regulations and patrols, a power vacuum was created, and groups such as the famous Black Hole Fleet, who had previously been barely a nuisance, became extremely dangerous and powerful. Safe travel between systems became night impossible without bribes or connections, and even then territory was so fragmented that there were no guarantees.
The imperial remnants retreated to a single system, and sometimes even a single planet, to try to preserve what little order they could. Most governments divided along species lines without the common ties to a government. Due to the fact there was no centralized power base, this age became known in galactic history as The Anarchal Era.
Of course, this only refers the the galaxy as a whole. Many species, such as the Dasos and the Lejon solidified their cultural identities during this era. But every planet had laser cannons mounted and aimed at the skies, fearful of raids. The pirates held true sway during this era. It was not until the Warphole Convention that systems began to contact one another regularly again.

  • 148 AKC

    1 Persid

    The Setareh Manifesto is Ratified

    The date when the Setaeh Manifesto was ratified by all of the members of the Council of Five.

  • 194 AKC

    1 Persid
    218 AKC

    45 Orispur

    Term of High Minister Shoj-Ina
    Political event

    The term of Shoj-Ina, the first Onyo to serve as High Minister. She was known for her blunt manner and for defending Ethites against discrimmination.

    More reading
  • 236 AKC

    25 Norma

    Completion of the Starlight Citadel
    Construction beginning/end

    The Starlight Citadel, capital of the Confederacy, reached its current state of construction on this date.

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    Starlight Citadel

Warp Era

Current Era

  • 371 AKC

    30 Persid

    End of Lucian Self-Isolation
    Diplomatic action

    Having been isolated after the fall of the Estracha Empire, Lucians reappear on the galactic stage.

  • 380 AKC

    12 Sagitarm

    Humanity's First Contact
    Political event

    Humans achieve the ability to use portals with the help of Lucien refugees from Meli and contact the CUPK.

    Additional timelines