Afavi Species in Setareh | World Anvil
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Basic Information


The Afavi are an avian species with long beaks and semi-waterproof feathers covering most of their body. Their arms double as primitive wings which can be used to glide for long periods, or fly for short periods. They have four fingers on their hands and four toes on their feet.

Genetics and Reproduction

Afavi reproduce sexually, requiring a male and a female to produce viable offspring. After fertilization, an egg develops inside the body of the female for a standard month, and develops after being laid for another six standard months. Traditionally, the father keeps the egg incubated by carrying or sitting on it, but in modern times an artificial incubator is often used, allowing both parents a bit more freedom.

Growth Rate & Stages

Afavi infants (hatchlings) are able to walk a few hours after they are born. However, it is not until they reach puberty and their flight feathers grow in that they can learn to fly. This happens when the Afavi is approximately 16 Standard Years of age. Once an Afavi learns to fly (a step determined by taking the yearly Ornisiason) and finishes their education, they are considered an independent adult, able to vote and own property.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Afavi are an omnivorous species, able to absorb nutrients from both meat and plants. Since Afavi mostly live near the coast, they mostly eat fish and aquatic plants, as well as a few terrestrial nuts and animals. They also have the curious ability to hydrate themselves using seawater by using an organ called the notron, which filters out most of the salt.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Afavi originate from the planet Heli, which orbits the F type star Apohel. They tend to prefer living in warmer climates, especially by the seaside. At temperatures below 32 degrees (Fahrenheit), they start experiencing symptoms of hypothermia without proper clothing.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names ending in “o”, “i”, or “s” are usually male, while names ending in “e” or “r” are usually female. Names ending in “a” are gender neutral.   Male Names: Ado, Aeriwi, Etrali, Hretres, Jinelin, Tan, Ynhti   Female Names: Aerie, Bemyr, Deme, Erae, Hlie, Jole, Tnhte   Unisex Names: Netmra, Tyba

Last Names: Aetenlab, Daer, Dagon, Datro, Isielab, Lato, Sorate, Tlalab

Common Dress Code

Due to their warm native climate as well as their wings, sleeves are almost never seen on Afavi clothing, save for protective clothing such as hazmat suits. Even then, the sleeves are not very tight, usually flaring out before tightening about the wrists. Afavi also do not usually wear pants outside of chilly temperatures or protection, instead preferring tunics, skirts, and dresses.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

For the Afavi, the most important skill tends to be that of oration. Speeches about politics and philosophy are considered the most "pure", but even comedy and theater, considered "lower" forms of oration, attract huge audiences (comparable to crowds at football games for humans).

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Afavi have mostly neutral to positive relationships with the rest of the galaxy, with one notable exception. Tensions between Scyll  and Afavi are better than they used to be, but still mostly on the negetive side.   The main reason cited for this is that the Afavi-run Leheli Empire waged a long siege against the Scyll and their home planet, known to most as The Nimbus Siege or The Six Years of Fire. The siege caused much lasting damage to the planet and the home mountains of the Scyll, much of which is still being repaired.   Because of the damage, there are still some Scyll even in the present day who view all Afavi as xenophobic, short-tempered war mongers, while some Afavi view Scyll as unnatural and vain beings, derisively calling them "mrabexa".
A young adult Afavi

Scientific Name
Avianos afavi
105 Standard Years
Average Height
5'10"(Male) 6'2"(Female)
Average Weight
30 lbs. (Male) 35 lbs. (Female)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin Colors:
  • Ruddy blue
  • Dark blue
  • Black
  • Feather Colors: Females are usually one solid color, whereas males are white with colored wingtips
    • Brown
    • Grey
    • Blue-black
    • Red (rare)
    Eye Colors:
    • Brown
    • Black
    • Gold
    • Grey (rare)

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    Feb 4, 2019 20:04

    I would recommend making the historical figures have a bit more detail to why they were so famous. A little elevator pitch to speak. Less of a list and more like a pair of headers giving a short bit of detail who they exactly are. I do like the image and the little tibid of them getting freedom of incubating! Of course, them being avian, are their bones also more hollow than the regular human and more like that of the bird?

    Feb 4, 2019 23:57 by Alex

    Thanks for the suggestions! Yeah, their bones are more like birds then humans (hence why they're so light). And I'll see about expanding on the historical figures!

    Feb 4, 2019 22:53 by Guillaume Labrie

    It's a good start, but it needs to be expanded upon. I love the ideas, and you have a good base to grow it into something great! I like the little touches like the incubator and the use of gliders for disabled Afavis to become full members of the society. I'd start with the culture section, which seems like the perfect candidate for expansion. What is the place of oration is society? Is it an essential skill for all? What happens in politics? Are orators only entertainment, or are they in every facet of the society? Do they cross over from one domain to the next? It was a nice read, and I want to come back to it if you ever decide to expand it :D

    Feb 5, 2019 19:57 by Alex

    Thanks for the feedback. Pretty much everyone is judged by how well they can speak. Oration is super pervasive, it's in education, politics, and entertainment. Debates are super common, not just in politics, but in business and religion as well.

    Feb 5, 2019 20:14 by Alex

    Basically, even if you have good ideas, if you can't express them properly then you're SOL in terms of gaining any position of influence.

    Feb 5, 2019 14:56

    First of all, great job writing this article, quite a nice use of the sidebar and a good image as well. Since everyone else has been taking the culture tack, I'll be working more on the scientific end of the spectrum. How did the Afavi evolve? Did they come from a poorly-flying bird or instead from a gliding mammal like the sugar glider or bat? How did they discover fire, and what evolutionary advantage would it give them? What do the Afavi eat, and how did that influence their evolution? Are they warm-blooded or cold-blooded, given their early hypothermia even though they have large amounts (I think) of insulating feather or down? They're also pretty heavy for a bird, does Heli have less gravity than Earth?

    Feb 5, 2019 20:04 by Alex

    Thanks for the compliment! The Afavi actually evolved from a form of coastal owl-like creature that could fly fine, but when they started using their arm ability more, the feathers thinned out so they could move it better, at the cost of sacrificing flying ability. They are warm-blooded, they're just used to warmer environments, so when it gets cold their body doesn't know how to warm them up properly. As for the weight thing...well I screwed up and used human weights, thinking the feather and muscle would balance out the hollow bones. I might change that, but yeah, for now I'll say Heli has weaker gravity. Of course, that means on Earth they'd faceplant whenever they tried to fly...

    Mar 17, 2022 21:07 by Age-otori Ono

    Given that they are not averse to wearing clothes, perhaps they could design feathered costumes that assist them in flying?

    Feb 5, 2019 17:27 by Koray Birenheide

    A small note: "Afavi reproduce sexually, needed a male and a female to produce viable offspring." => "Afavi reproduce sexually, requiring a male and a female to produce viable offspring." - either way, even if you stick with "need", you'll want to use the gerund form.   You display solid formatting by keeping an equally long main content and sidebar, and I enjoy that you created a picture for the species, very nice ^-^   If oration is so significant to their culture, is it a central part of their education? Do they have oratory classes and debate clubs early on in their school time?

    Feb 5, 2019 19:54 by Alex

    Thanks for the grammar help! Afavi education is a lot more about presenting ideas and debate then memorization. Training pretty much starts as soon as an Afavi learns to talk. Being on debate team in an Afavi school has as much recognition as someone being on a football team on Earth. Of course, this makes school pretty hellish for anyone with social anxiety.

    Feb 5, 2019 20:07 by Koray Birenheide
