Opparos Prefecture Organization in Sesteer | World Anvil

Opparos Prefecture

Home to Oppara, Taldor's shining capital, Opparos is both the most populous and the most economically stratified prefecture. Nowhere else in Taldor boasts such a high concentration of wealth and power, thanks to the royal family, the senate, and the countless nobles and bureucrats that surround them. Conversely, the number of poor, hungry and wretched of Oppara dwarf those of Cassomir, Yanmass, and Zimar combined --all scrabbling to live off the table scraps left behind by the elites standing above them. The rest of the prefecture shares the capital's disparity. In every direction, urban sprawl presses up against noble estates, lavish institutions, and grandiose establishments that spread across most of the prefecture like a cancer. Wedged between all of this, dingy and desperate communities of artisans, laborers, and servants live on top of one another in deplorable conditions.

Demography and Population

Despite these disparities, the prevalence of iconic monuments, statues, and well-maintained public spaces instills all residents of the prefecture with a strong sense of national pride that borders on the fanatical. Despite its reputation as Taldor's most cynical , jaded, and politically cutthroat prefecture, Opparos wraps its citizens in a patriotism that colors all their actions. Even criminal organizations across the prefecture proudly consider themselves loyal Taldans and do as much to rout foreign conspirators and criminal syndicates as the Lion Blades making Oppara almost immune to the influence of foreign criminal powers such as the far-reaching Sczarni.

Agriculture & Industry

Opparos features the most diverse and independent economy in Taldor, with healthy trade, industry, and manufacturing, as well as rich farmlands supported by the River Porthmos's annual flooding. Many of the greatest Taldan wines and brandies hail from the regions vineyards, as well as fortune in barley, figs, olives, and pomegranates. Inundated with rocky ridges and outcroppings, the land serves most cattle poorly, but goats and sheep flourish. More than anything, though, Opparos's fortunes lie in fishing, and much of the local lifestyle and cuisine celebrate the bounty of the Inner Sea.


  • Oppara, Taldor
    This map is the over city of Oppara. In addition to the layout, it also has the districts of the city.
Geopolitical, State
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories


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