Johann Character in Seleim | World Anvil
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Johann (YOH-hahn)

Johann (a.k.a. Cannibal Healer)

Johann began his life as a normal human and attended medical school in the capitol, Niuus. He lived with his mother, father, and siblings (1 younger, 2 older) for his entire childhood. However, he did not see them again after his last expedition. Traveling to the northwestern mountains, he had been hired by a team of researchers to provide medical assistance on their journey.   While collecting samples from various plants in the region, a large storm forced them all to seek shelter in a cave. Inside, they were trapped until their supplies ran out and, starving and desperate, Johann killed the remaining survivors, eating them to prolong his own life. The god of chaos, bored, manipulated him into eating his fallen comrades to survive. For his own amusement, the god deformed him, causing a deer skull to form on the side of his face and antlers to grow from his head. His skin turned an ashen-blue grey and his eyes lost their pupils. Pulling his heart from his body and turning it to ice was just another game.   As the god was leaving, Johann turned on him, enraged by what he had been made to do, and bit his hand off. Consuming the flesh of a god gave him certain abilities, including manipulation of shadows, ice, and the weather. Along with this, he became immortal and able to absorb the knowledge of the people he ate.   Insatiable hunger was the god's punishment for 'not playing right' and Johann was left alone on the mountain. At first, he was consumed by hunger and tore into anyone he came across. Making his way down the mountain, he passed several villages, attacking each one before he could stop himself. Confirmation of what he had become only fuelled his guilt and he thought many times about ending his life. However, he turned back to his medicine, he consuming any doctor he could find and incorporating their knowledge into what he already knew. After two centuries, he has gained a tremendous amount and honed his magic, becoming one of the most powerful essence magic users in the world.   Religion also became a large part of his life. While his family had not been particularly faithful, he grew up within Uneism  which stresses balance. He keeps a holy book on him at all times as a comfort. The religion itself is very personal to him and he does not try to convert others as his main focus is righting his own continued wrongs.   He met Richard Lohdan  three years ago when the other came to investigate a series of disappearances and murders. All were tied to Johann, but rather than allow himself to be killed, he struck a deal in which he would remain as the region’s doctor. However, if he were to break this deal, he would be killed immediately.   In recent months he has formed a loose partnership with Voltaire, who gets him hard to find supplies in the wild in exchange for objects that Voltaire cannot get himself from towns.
  • People fear him and yet the desperate will travel to the mountains or forests where he lives and bring raw meat as offerings. In extreme cases, people will kill someone and bring the corpse as payment, a life for a life. When and if they meet him, most feel a crushing sense of suddenly being watched by a predator. Every survival instinct will kick into overdrive, telling them to run. If they are able to remain, he is actually a calm person, withdrawn and almost melancholy. His pupil-less eyes often give the impression that he is looking through a person rather than directly at them.
  • Those who live in the south think he is nothing but a myth, but the farther north in the Yzel Kingdom a person goes, the stronger the belief in him gets and they know he is real. The Eoion Empire  regards him as a threat should he ever become combative, as they believe he is loyal to his home country, and people on the border between the two countries will leave their dead farm animals near the forests in the hope that he will not enter their town.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He has grey-blue skin and slightly darker eyes. His hair is bluer than his skin and braided on the right side of his head. Golden rings hang from the braids while the rest of his hair is free and about shoulder length.

Body Features

Johann's heart was turned to ice by the chaos god Clohdus and was pushed outside of his chest. It now rests half inside and half out. A pair of large antlers grows from his head.

Facial Features

He has a sprinkling of freckles across his upper cheeks. A large deer skull covers the left side of his head, growing from his facial skin.

Mental characteristics


He is currently unemployed and does freelance medical work.

Personality Characteristics


He is trying to make up for the people he kills and eats by providing free medical care to whoever needs it.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: medicine, history, people   Dislikes: blood, himself, getting his antler stuck

Virtues & Personality perks

optimistic, studious, devout

Vices & Personality flaws

serious, melancholic, self-hating
Current Location
Date of Birth
14 Hisin 867
pupil-less, grey-blue
blue-grey, darker than his eyes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
cool grey
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Can I earn redemption?"
Aligned Organization

Articles under Johann


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