Ekethian Species in Seeds of Chaos | World Anvil
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Ekethians are an ancient race not since truly seen the Common Scholar Period, nor some certain centuries leading up to it, yet remains exist of a species with some odd traits that point to an intelligent, gryphon-like race. In further advancing knowledge, it is suspected this race actually influenced and lived on into other current races, rather than some initially believed odd genocide, or mass-extinction. Its not sure how intelligent they were, and likely a more nomadic and carnivorous focused race of creatures that wandered various land bridges. However some were found with bronze or iron type materials, showing some form of deliberate intelligence in craft.   It is believed the Rekettan, and Kllui both came more directly from them, with the Kllui being the best example of their last efforts, and the Reketta being a more stagnant end-result of the originals. The Sfixians are creditted with some possible ancestry, given their fossil remains once held some feathers in familiar places, and some body portions line up, but it is suspected their changes came when a sub-set of Ekethians mixed with early human or human-ancestors.   It is believed there were minor variations in Ekethian blood-line, with some primal form possessing kinship with 'Primal rock lizards' of old ancients, and living in more sand environment with rougher skin, and colder blood, but showing linked signs between one with more fur, feather, and fiber that was leading into deeper thermo-regulation. It is believed the more sand-based ones would later change and adapt to become that of the Reketta, while others moving to more different environments became the more warmer Kllui to endure harsher altitudes. Loose theories at best exist for the Sfixians and the odd cat factor, but it is thought perhaps their breed had far smaller faces, and snouts, and when mixed with humans, they by chance adapted a more cat-like muzzle when breeding back with their own kind.

Basic Information


Most remains of them show signs of them having bodies like lions, moderate beaks with little back-jaw activity perhaps suggesting a once poor form of modern vocals, and wingless bodies that did seem to have some feathering or fur on it. Certain variations had more overlapping flesh particles more like that of scales, but this range is limited, or further ancient and more confined to dessert regions. They had tuft-tipped tails, long sharp talon claws with a backward grabbing hook, and loose leg muscles along a few that suggested they may have varied between bipedal and quadrupedal movement.

Genetics and Reproduction

It is likely that this species laid eggs, similar to the kinship it has in Rekettan and Klluian descendants. If the Sfixian evolved from them, its thought their potential breeding with more mammal life is what made them a faster exception.
Genetic Descendants
Average Height
1.8 Meters
Average Weight
Likely around 90kg


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