Military Organisation of the Tondene Empire in Scourge of Shards | World Anvil
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Military Organisation of the Tondene Empire

Ranks (Tondene Imperial Army)

Cronus (Arms Commander) in charge of everybody

Hyperion (General) in charge of 4+ kilosenti

Thea (Colonel) in charge of 1-4 kilosenti.

Crius (Major) In charge of 1000 soldiers and their ten Coeus and their hundred Tethys, called a “Kilosenti”

Rhea (Captain) in charge of 300-800 soldiers and their officers

Themis (Lieutenant) in charge of 200-300 soldiers and their Coeus and Tethys

Coeus (Sergeant Major) in charge of 100 soldiers and their ten Tethys, called a “Centasenti”

Tethys (Sergeant) can be in charge of 10 soldiers, called a “Decasenti”

  Sou “Under” (from Old Araterre, the language that predates what is now called Imperial)

Sur “Over” (Old Araterre)

  Full rank organisation: Note that not all people of a certain rank command soldiers. Most don’t, and have the rank as status only. Command of soldiers may also come and go, depending upon circumstances.

A decasenti is a group of 10 soldiers and their commanding Tethys. A centasenti is ten decasenti, or 100 soldiers, 10 Tethys, and a Coeus. Some of the 100 soldiers would be Sou-Tethys and some of the Tethys would actually be Sur-Tethys and/or Sou-Coeus. A kilosenti is ten centasenti, so it has 1110 soldiers of lower rank, plus the Crius.

Centasenti are the functional equivalent of Companies. Decasenti are sort of like platoons or squads. Kilosenti are sort of like battalions. Groups of kilosenti are called Legions (2-3 kilosenti) and Devangerre (6+ kilosenti)


Rank 0

Tyro: new recruit (first 5 months)

Trooper: Soldier who has been in the Army for at least 5 months (half a year)

Technical: specialist, such as medic, engineers, surveyor, architect, craftsman; exempt from camp and hard labor duties due to the nature of their work. This is a job, not a rank.

Tech Praxis: Trooper in training for Technical position. This is a job, not a rank.

Sou-Tethys: might be given charge of 2-4 soldiers under certain conditions (denoted by a triangle with the bottom half filled) (Corporal)

Rank 1

Tethys: can be in charge of a decasenti (denoted by a filled triangle) (Sergeant)

Sur-Tethys: can be in charge of multiple decasenti (usually 2-5) (denoted by a triangle with the top half filled) (Sergeant 1st Class)

Sou-Coeus: can be in charge of 6-8 decasenti (denoted by a square, bottom half filled) (Master Sergeant)

Rank 2

Coeus: in charge of the centasenti (denoted by a filled square) (Sergeant Major)

Sur-Coeus: can be in charge of up to two centasenti (denoted by a square, top half filled) (Command Sergeant Major)

Sou-Themis: can be in charge of up to two centasenti (denoted by a circle, bottom half filled) (Sergeant Major of the Army)

Rank 3

Themis: can be in charge of two or three centasenti (denoted by a filled circle) (2nd Lieutenant)

Sur-Themis: can be in charge of three or four centasenti (denoted by a circle, top half filled) (1st Lieutenant)

Sou-Rhea: can be in charge of four to six centasenti (denoted by a four pointed star, bottom half filled) (Sub-Captain)

Rank 4

Rhea: can be in charge of three to eight centasenti (denoted by a filled four pointed star) (Captain)

Sur-Rhea: can be in charge of six to eight centasenti (denoted by a four pointed star, top half filled) (Over-Captain)

Sou-Crius: can be in charge of eight or nine centasenti (denoted by two triangles, bottom halves filled) (Sub-Major)

Rank 5

Crius: can be in charge of a kilosenti (denoted by two filled triangles) (Major)

Sur-Crius: can be in charge of one to two kilosenti (denoted by two triangles, top halves filled) (Over-Major)

Sou-Thea: can be in charge of a legion (2-3 kilosenti) (denoted by two squares, bottom halves filled) (Lt. Colonel)

Rank 6

Thea: can be in charge of up to two legions (denoted by two filled squares) (Colonel)

Sur-Thea: can be in charge of up to three legions (denoted by two squares, top halves filled) (Brigadier General)

Sou-Hyperion: can be in charge of up to five legions (denoted by two circles, top halves filled) (Major General)

Rank 7

Hyperion: can be in charge of six or more legions (devangerre) (denoted by two filled circles) (Lt. General)

Sur-Hyperion: can be in charge of six or more legions (devangerre) (denoted by two circles, top halves filled) (General)

Rank 8

Sou-Cronus: assistant to the Cronus, in charge of all the soldiers (denoted by six pointed star, bottom half filled) (General of the Army)

Cronus: In charge of all the soldiers (denoted by a filled six pointed star) (Arms Commander)



(This title is in addition to whatever rank the soldier may have):

Vintenar (Rank 1): leader of 19 archers, is also an archer

Centenar (Rank 2): leader of 100 archers, can use a bow, but typically doesn’t as they are too busy leading their men

Millenar (Rank 5): leader of 1000 archers, can use a bow, but typically doesn’t as they are too busy leading their men



(Denoted by a horseshoe next to the rank insignia):

Hobelar (Rank 2) (Mounted Sur-Tethys, Sou-Coeus, or Coeus): leader of 20 mounted troopers (Flight, 21)

Leftenant (Rank 2-3) (Coeus, Sur-Themis, Themis, or Sur-Themis): leader of 5 Flights (Troop, 106)

Marshal (Rank 3-4) (“Stable Servant”, Themis or higher, but usually not higher than Crius): leader of 5 Troops (Squadron, 531)

Constable (Rank 6-7) (“Count of the Stable”, Typically rank Thea or higher): leader of 6 Squadrons (Brigade, 3187) (Rank 6-7)

    There are 25 Centasenti stationed at Fort Coastwatch. 4 are Cavalry, 3 are Artillery, 3 are Support (include an Admin Decasenti, 3 Medical Decasenti, 2 Messenger Decasenti, and 4 Supply Decasenti). The other 15 Centasenti are Infantry (5 Archer, 8 Hooked Spear, 2 Halberd). Each Centasenti has 111 soldiers, including 10 Tethys and one Coeus. Of the 100 troopers, about 5 are medics, about 5 are messengers, and about 10 handle the supply mules and wagons; the other 80 or so are basic front line troopers. Most of the troopers have some cross training of at least one of the specialized centuries, so in a pinch, many of the front line troopers know enough to say, fire a catapult and act as its crew, some know a bit about being a medic, and others could do some freight handling.

  So, for instance, Kayspar, Kerr, and Iceglint all are in the same Infantry Centasenti. Kayspar has cross-training in artillery, Kerr has cross-training in freight handling and logistics, and Iceglint has cross-training in messenger and cartography (which is part of admin). After a year or so, they will get reassigned to different, more specialized centasenti: Kayspar will join one of the Artillery Centasenti, Kerr and Iceglint will join one of the Support Centasenti. Kerr has the talent to be a cavalry trooper, but lacks the interest.


Ranks (Tondene Imperial Navy)


Rank 0

Savaran is an enlisted seaman.
Sou-Spahbed is a low ranking non-commissioned officer (equivalent to Petty Officer 3rd Class).

Rank 1

  Spahbed is a non-commissioned officer (equivalent to Petty Officer 2nd Class).
Sur-Spahbed is a non-commissioned officer (equivalent to Petty Officer 1st Class).
Sparabara is the lowest commissioned rank, fresh out of the military academy (equivalent to Ensign). While technically outranking all of the non-commissioned ranks, in practice they rate about the same as a Sou-Spahbed. That is, practically the lowest on the totem pole. Most understand that the noncoms usually know what they are talking about; those that don't get that don't last long.
  Sou-Praxis, Praxis, Sur-Praxis are specialized technical crewmembers who are not in the direct chain of command. However, in their field of expertise, are considered the experts and are deferred to. (Equivalent to Warrant Officers).

Rank 2

  Sou-Padan is a higher ranking non-commissioned officer (equivalent to Chief Petty Officer).
Padan Senior is a higher ranking non-commissioned officer (equivalent to Senior Chief Petty Officer).
Sou-Semaphoros is a low ranking commissioned officer (equivalent to Lieutenant junior grade).

Rank 3

  Sur-Padan is the highest ranking non-commissioned officer (equivalent to Master Chief Petty Officer).

Semaphoros is a low ranking commissioned officer (equivalent to Lieutenant). May often be given command of a ship's boat or small shore party.
Sou-Plerarchos is a high ranking commissioned officer. Will often be in charge of one or more of the ships boats (equivalent to Lieutenant Commander). Might also command a shore party.

Rank 4

  Plerarchos is the second in command on a naval vessel, often called "Number One" (equivalent to Commander). If a shore party is needed, the Plerarchos is usually in command of it. Similarly, if the Sur-Plerarchos of the ship is unavailable or indisposed, the Plerarchos is in command.

Rank 5

  Sur-Plerarchos is the captain of a ship (equivalent to Captain). They command a single ship, and are responsible for everything that happens on it.
Ano-Navarchos is a high ranking officer that is in command of two to six ships, or one battle group (equivalent to Rear Admiral).

Rank 6

  Sou-Navarchos is a high ranking officer that commands two to twenty ships, usually set up in battle groups of six or so ships each (equivalent to Vice Admiral).

Rank 7

  Navarchos is a high ranking officer that commands dozens or hundreds of ships (equivalent to Admiral)

Rank 8

  Sur-Navarchos is the highest ranking officer, commanding up to the entire Tondene Imperial Navy (equivalent to Fleet Admiral). Sometimes called "Lord of the Waters", and although they can command the entire navy, they will more likely than not delegate parts of it out for flexibility. It would be rare indeed to place the entire navy in one spot and targeting a single objective.
Weapons   Hooked hewing spear (treat it like a dueling bill)

Hooked hewing spear sw+2 cut 1, 2* 0U $80 6lbs 9
Spear point thr+3 1, 2* 0
Hook thr-1 cut 1, 2* 0U
(1-H) Hewing spear sw+1 cut 1, 2* 0U
(1-H) Spear point thr+2 imp 1, 2* 0
(1-H) Hook thr cut 1, 2* 0U

* Means that a Ready maneuver must be taken to change grips for different Reaches.
Polearms become Unready after an attack, but not a Parry. It may not be used to Parry if it was used to Attack the same turn (as it's Unready).
The Parry column shows the bonus or penalty for parrying with it; in this case, it has no penalties or bonuses to Parry.
  Pila Thr+3 Imp Acc 3 Rng 1/1.5 Wt 4lbs RoF 1 Shots T(1) Cost: $40 ST 9 Bulk -6
For penetration purposes (such as going through a shield) treat them as Armor Piercing, cutting the Cover DR of the shield in half (round down). Pila do Thr+3 Imp (treat as spear).  

Military Doctrine:

The primary unit on the battlefield is the centasenti, much like the century was for ancient Rome. The commanders have quite a bit of autonomy, in order to take advantage of the situations as they see it, as long as their actions are focused on the overall objective. The primary weapons are hooked spears in massed formation, but not as compact as a phalanx. There is a bit more mobility and flexibility. The front rank use their spears one handed, with a shield. The rank behind them use their spears two handedly, for better attacks, over and around the front rank with their shields still strapped to their backs. The front ranks’ main focus is using the hooks to pull the shields of the enemy out of line (or their weapon, or their leg) in order for the guy behind or next to him to bypass the enemy’s defenses.   Cavalry is used as either an initial charge, or flank attacks, or as skirmishers. Archer centasenti or slinger centasenti provide ranged attacks. Cavalry made up of Goblin or Hobbit troops utilize dual saddles, one for the “driver” of the horse, armed with lance and saber, and one for a horse archer. It only works with the lighter, smaller races, and it’s usually the Hobbit who is the archer, due to their inherent ability with bows and thrown objects (like pila). This works especially well as a skirmishing force, but it also pretty hard hitting when it comes to disrupting enemy formations.   Orcs, being large, tough, and resistant to magic, are most often utilized as front line troops. Armed with hooked spears and halberds, they can lay waste to armies manned by races smaller than they. They are strong, have good equipment, and are well-trained and disciplined. They are less effective during daylight hours, however, even with dark glasses and skin coverings.   Dwarves are also common on the front lines, as they are strong, have great endurance, and are tough fighters. You also find a lot of Dwarves in the artillery squads, as well as in the support centasenti, working their crafts.   Humans, while not being spectacular at any one thing, excel by being pretty good at everything. You will find them everywhere in the organization. They can do anything.   Orcs and Goblins are the primary nocturnal units. Orcs have infra vision, and can see heat sources, which gives them the best night vision of anyone. Goblins are incredibly quiet, much more so than Orcs, and have spectacular hearing. If a spy is needed, it’s usually a Goblin who can do the job.   Hobbits are usually found in the ranged attack groups, either as archers, or slingers. They also often carry pila, which they will use if the enemy get too close. They are also naturally quiet, but not as quiet as the Goblins.   Elves are almost always part of the ranged attack groups, when they are found at all in the Army. Most Elves aren’t interested in the “fly by night” or “flash in the pan” wars of the ephemerals. However, some do join, and are suited to various roles beyond the one of archer. With their Elven Hedge Magic, they can be very flexible soldiers.   Aarakocra are rare, but when they are available, they are put to use as scouts, mappers, surveillance, couriers, messengers, and, occasionally, aerial bombardments with flaming oil or, more likely, dropoons. Their primary advantages are speed and the fact that they fly, and can get a bird’s eye view of the surroundings. The intelligence they provide is vital, and they are rarely wasted in combat. They are far more valuable giving the rest of the army information regarding enemy positions, movements, and tactics. Occasionally they are used as a means of transport for Goblins or Hobbits, for things like commando raids. But the Army rarely has very many on hand (Fort Coastwatch will have Iceglint for a few years, but he is the only one).   Roads are important, as the Tondene Army understands proper logistics. A mobile army is a useful and effective army. Horses are expensive, so the Tondene Army is primarily infantry, with some cavalry support. They are also supported by ranged attack groups, and a robust, dedicated support group, which is in charge of the baggage train, amongst other things.   Magic is rare enough that battle formations aren’t much different from “standard medieval”. The groups are a little looser, to prevent area attack spells from being too devastating, but mages on the battlefield are extremely rare. Despite their rarity, however, the military makes it a point to assume the existence of an enemy battlemage. Most battle magic is localized, and on a relatively small scale. There are few spells that can take out dozens of people at a time. There are, however, spells capable of making camp life miserable, or causing a single key person to mess it up. Most useful wartime spells aren’t damaging the enemy directly; they are ferreting out useful intelligence, or taking out key people at inopportune times, or healing. That said, ceremonial magic to make it stop raining on the camp is something the entire camp can get behind. Very useful for large area of effect spells, such as Rain or Fog. Defensively, a Mystic Mist can turn the tide of the battle, if it can be cast large enough.   MOS (Army)
Freight Handling/Transportation
Supply and Logistics
Marine (army/navy crossover)
Armorer/armor maintenance
Weaponsmith/weapon maintenance
Mess cook
Special forces
Signal corps/Courier
Military police (Guard Corps)
Military intelligence/spy
Chaplain (Godspeakers)



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