Dragon Mountain Geographic Location in Scardona | World Anvil

Dragon Mountain

Dragon Mountain is a massive mountain north of Scardona that marks the beginning of Ironmantle Range. The top of it has been blown off, revealing that its hollow inside. Long ago during the Grecian era the Dragonslayer Xander sealed away Airva the Ancient and her horde within the mountain. There they lay dormant for hundreds of years, biding their time to escape. From below the mountain a group of Mind Flayers stumbled upon the dragons, making them an offer. Let them set up camp in the mountain, in return they'd give them the tools they needed to conquer the surface. Airva agreed, and the two made an alliance.
A group of adventurers would accidentally break the seal on Dragon Mountain, freeing all the dragons to rampage upon the world. However one dragon still remains deep within the mountain, his tremendous size enough to shake the mountains. Yet he slumbers, not yet awaken by the world around him.


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