The Adventure of the Old, Dark House Prose in Scardona | World Anvil

The Adventure of the Old, Dark House

Credit to: Brother Hammer 
While working at the HARE Guildhouse, framing an addition that will become a magical laboratory I overheard a distraught mother pleading with the group to send adventurers to her house. Disembodied spirits torment her young daughter Annalise at night. The story stirred my heart and I asked to be part of the mission. So, along with Tenebria, a graceful elven mage, Shiloh, a Tabaxi storyteller, Corc, a half-orc tinkerer, Hilde, a holy woman, and Slyvin (or is it Sylvan?) we journeyed to the manor house located outside of Scardona. An investigation of the house, including the girl's room and the attic turned up a few magic curios but little to help address the haunting. In the yard Slyvin and Tenebria discovered the corpse of the groundskepper, who died of poison and had his teeth removed post-mortem. The team spotted a basement window, but no passage was apparent. A second search of the attic turned up a hidden staircase to the basement. Investigating the subterranean room turned up a cult temple, complete with a bloody summoning circle, a blasphemous mural of Infernal nature, and two suits of armor. Hilde, Corc and myself went to check on Annalise as creatures issued from the boiler through the house's heating system. We moved Annalise in with her mother and I returned to the basement to investigate the sounds of battle. While I was absent HIlde and Corc were attacked and poisoned by strange boggards. Tenebria, Shiloh and Slyvin battled and eventualy defeated te animated suits of armor. With no clear way to defeat the wicked fairies we retreated from the house with mother and daughter in tow. She insisted that we take a reward though I felt we had not earned it. We vowed to learn about out infernal foe and return to defeat the fiends.
-Brother Hammer


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