Sylven Fletcher Character in Scardona | World Anvil

Sylven Fletcher

The Infamous Close Ranger. Dangerous from afar, Deadly up close.

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It started off just stealing food from vendors in the market square to make sure everyone in the family had enough to eat. A loaf of bread or a few pieces of fruit. Mother never knew she was just thankful for whatever it was I managed to bring home. I'd snag it on the way home from school or when I was "playing with my friends" I never had any friends but she didn't know that either. Then a nobleman caught me with a trinket I'd stolen and was planning to pawn for a silver or two. He didn't call the guards, didn't call for anyone. Instead he made me a deal. Apparently he'd been having trouble with another house and needed the issue dealt with subtly. He promised to compensate me for achieving the required results.   Three days later a different nobleman was dead and I had a sack of gold. GOLD. not silver, not copper. Gold. A poor kid from the slums had a sack of GOLD. After that father, mother and little Shauna left the city.   I attracted the attention of the assasisins guild and honed my skills until I was a bladed shadow. Doing jobs here and there.   Last job didn't go so well though. Got sucked into a portal of some sort and ended up is some God's forsaken place called Scardona. Assassination wasn't really that profitable here though so I switched over to HARE as a ranger. They're good people and I might even stick around. There's certainly a lot more excitement and gold in adventuring for them than killing fat old men.


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