Kepp Stickyfingers Character in Scardona | World Anvil

Kepp Stickyfingers

Kepp Stickyfingers

A thief searching for her mother and trying to rectify her life

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slender build, suitable for quick, quiet movement

Physical quirks

Eyes are always darting around, trying to take note of what's around her

Apparel & Accessories

She keeps her blade with her and a scarf that she can pull over her face if she needs to hide

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She's loyal to her family, but the term 'family' is adjustable. It can mean the people she shares genes with or it can mean the people whose group she's been accepted into. If you aren't her family, keep an eye on your belongings because she's likely to walk away with some of them. She hates nobles and nobility after the way they broke up her original thief guild. She generally hates tradition and arbitrary rules for similar reasons, but will follow rules if she has a reason (and not drawing attention to herself is a reason).


Learned from her family when young. Learned from the monks at the monastery after leaving them.


She was hired out from her monastery from time to time when a job required a subtle touch. Sometimes spying, sometimes stealing, on rare occasions assassinations (but she was never fond of killing).

Failures & Embarrassments

She feels guilty over losing her mother and allowing her original guild to be raided. She feels even more guilt over allowing her new home to be robbed by her mother.

Morality & Philosophy

If you're in her group, in her family, she's absolutely loyal to you. If you aren't, you're nothing to her.

Personality Characteristics


Find her mother and fix the inner conflict between her old family and new


Contacts & Relations

Has a few friends from her old guild, and many of them still have toes dipped into underworld activities.

Family Ties

Her old thief guild, she doesn't know what happened to them, but she would likely be loyal if she could find them. She's loyal to the monastery that took her in and taught her over the years, but sometimes she still struggles with their discipline. She's loyal to her mother, but she had thought she had lost her; now that she's back and seemingly in conflict with her monastery, she isn't sure how to rectify that situation.

Religious Views

Hasn't had any specific spiritual or religious views. She's heard of trickster gods who have piqued her interest, but hasn't found one that she's particularly dedicated to. Some of them are a bit overly bloodthirsty and evil for her tastes.

Social Aptitude

Gets along well with street level people. Nobility, not so much, but sometimes she'll fake it long enough to get one over on them.


Eyes dart around a lot and she keeps her hands hidden, behind her back or in pockets or something.


Very casual speech, not liking high speech or ceremonial speech.

Wealth & Financial state

Not a lot. She was born to the street and she knows the streets well so she doesn't really depend on wealth to survive. She can certainly get wealth from others, though.

She was raised in a thief guild. After a jailbreak went sideways, she wound up hiding in a monastery and learned to fight from them. Now she's hoping to find out what happened to her parents.

View Character Profile
Chaotic neutral
Dirty blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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